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The Official I pre-ordered my iPad 3 now I"m having 2nd thoughts thread!

I purchased the "New iPad" and I feel _____?

  • The "New iPad" is worth spending the money.

    Votes: 26 74.3%
  • The "New iPad" hasn't changed enough to be worth the money, but I'll buy it anyway.

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • I purchased the "New iPad" but also changed my mind. I'll wait for the next iPad.

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • I didn't purchase the "New iPad" because I knew it wasn't worth the money.

    Votes: 2 5.7%

  • Total voters
AFAngryWarrior said:
Congratulations to you both (ticka1 and bzbmum) on the purchase of your first iPad. Whether or not the 3 is worth upgrading to, its 100% worth buying if its your first iPad. If I didn't have the iPad 2 I wouldn't have given it ANY thought. I would have purchased the "New iPad" without hesitation. I'm sure you're both going to love being iPad owners.

Mine 2 was a gift for my birthday last year which gives it sentimental value as it is engraved. Worst comes to worst I can get a new one some day and give it back to the person who gave it to me to use ;).

Sent from my Verizon Black 64GB iPad 2 With IOS 5.1Update From NYC!!! using iPF
AFAngryWarrior said:
Like most everyone else on this forum I am admittedly an Apple "Fanboy". I join you in speculation prior to an Apple release with a sense of giddy suspense. I clear my schedule for any Apple press conferences to ensure I'm able to watch the whole thing via a liveblog. I have an iPhone 4s, and iPad 2, and a Macbook Air. To sum it up, I love Apple.

I waited in eager suspense like most this past Wednesday. Waiting for Apple to once again blow us away with their innovation and post PC revival of technology. I had the liveblog in one browser window and the Apple.com store in another. I was ready to pre-order anything they had to offer before even seeing what it was. When the time came I rushed my credit card and billing information into the pre-order form and was the envy of the office. I could barely wait a week and a half to receive my new technological gift from the gods. I was a glow the entire rest of the week.

Then I woke up this morning as usual. I went to work, logged onto my work PC, read my e-mail, my normal routine. There in my inbox was my Apple.com receipt for my order. Giddy I clicked on the link to stare at my prized "New iPad" one more time. As I perused my purchase it dawned on me. It doesn't seem that much different from my iPad 2.

Sure it has a state of the art screen with 1 million pixels. It has a 5MP camera with iSight, and voice dictation. It even has the faster A5x processor that promises to make my gaming experience that much quicker. Is that however enough to justify $700? No longer was I quantifying it in terms of its cool and new. I was breaking it down to dollars and cents. Are the few improvements Apple made worth that much? Is purchasing the "New iPad" telling Apple that no matter what they sell we will buy it. If that's the case its no wonder they didn't include "Siri" or any other major improvements in the new device. They can put it in a "Newer iPad" 6 months from now and millions of people will buy it because we're programmed to love Apple products.

So I cancelled my order for the "New iPad" and pulled my iPad 2 listing off of Craigslist. Until Apple comes out with a product that I feel is worth my $700, I'm happy to use what I have. I'm curious to see if anyone else is having second thoughts. Has anyone else changed their mind or cancelled their orders after thinking it over?

Not you writing that... Are you having second thoughts about canceling your order?

I have done this many times in eBay. After paying for an item I think why did I purchase that. I really did not need that item.

Sent from my IPAD 1st generation. WIFI only. 64GB
RandyM said:
I see your point but I think that there were enough upgrades to warrant purchasing the new ipad. I havent ordered the new iPad yet. But I normally wait a few months to watch for any bugs that arise from it before unloading that much cash. besides i will sell my ipad 2 to recoup some of the money spent on the new one when and if I do.

I will wait until I get my tax refund back next year. By then the prices will get lower hopefully. This past tax refund was for my iPhone 4s.

I find it interesting that on eBay sellers are advertising the new iPad for way more money that apple is selling the same size or.

I have seen a 64 GB wifi and 4g for like 1200.00.

Sent from my IPAD 1st generation. WIFI only. 64GB
Kaykaykay said:
People who get the new iPad will probably enjoy it. More power to them. Meanwhile, it's cool that iPad 1 and 2 still satisfy many users.

With an iPad 1 and 2, I didn't find the new iPad compelling enough to buy, but that's not a knock against the new model; it's just not worth it to me, even though I can easily afford one.

Cheers to everyone being happy with whatever model fits their needs.

Well said.

tlbaker said:
+1. Did you get the iPad 2 discount?

Sent from my Verizon Black 64GB iPad 2 With IOS 5.1Update From NYC!!! using iPF

I got the $50 off discount. Then when the new iPad was announced, I called best buy to confirm that I will get another $50 off. They will and I will do that this weekend. Happy camper.
AQ_OC said:
Name one thing you can go on a second gen iPad that you can't do on the first gen iPad?

Obviously, you don't real full page PDFs with fine type on your iPad. Else, the benefits would be clear.

Hey, skip the device. No loss for me.

The 2nd generation iPad has well sort of a camera wether as the 1st generation doesn't.

Sent from my IPAD 1st generation. WIFI only. 64GB
I find it interesting that on eBay sellers are advertising the new iPad for way more money that apple is selling the same size or.

I have seen a 64 GB wifi and 4g for like 1200.00.

Sent from my IPAD 1st generation. WIFI only. 64GB

Those are often purchased by people overseas, where the latest model won't arrive for some time.
We very nearly bought a 64G iPad 2 on the Black Friday sale, until my husband got online and got wind of the iPad 3 and a retina display. So, we waited. Now we are deciding on 1 iPad or 2 because although my husband hasn't really handled an iPad aside from in the Apple store, my daughter and I have used one at my Mom's house a lot and both love it. I KNOW that once we get one in our house, my husband is going to love it and want one for himself that he can put his own apps, his e-mail etc. and not have to fight my 4.5 yr old daughter for it (or risk it's harm at her hands). It is one thing about Apple devices that really pisses me off, that they are NOT family friendly (the Apple "we have to control everything you do with your device" mantra). You have to sync with ONE itunes account, have ONE email on it etc. He isn't going to want to share. But, he doesn't believe me.

So, after talking to him about it today the plan is to buy a 32G New iPad, load it up with my iTunes that has all the kid stuff and movies on it and it will be the "family iPad"...until he decides he wants it for himself and gets us a 16G iPad 2 for the cheaper price, wipes the New iPad and loads it up with his stuff and it becomes his. I've seen it, it is the future...lol.
Why I'm Upgrading.

First off, it has nothing to do with watching movies! I don't find watching any movie I really care about on a 10-inch screen enjoyable, unless I am on travel and I need a way to kill time, but then I watch stuff that isn't known for great visuals and sound. I still save those for viewing on my home theater. It amazes me that some in this thread actually think this is a benefit of the high-res screen. It ain't.

Also, if this refresh didn't have the retina display I would definitely not be upgrading, even though I do find some of the other additions to be worthwhile (4G is clearly a benefit, but I plan to use my iPad on Wifi, so it's not impacting me one way or the other).

I have used my iPad 2 everyday since March 11, 2011. I'm an engineering prof. I use the iPad for reviewing my lectures, studying, reading journal papers, magazines (both professional trade and just general interest) and for delivering lectures. The first thing you will notice when using either a first or 2nd gen iPad is that the characters in words and equations when viewing any content that was creating for an 8.5-inch by 11-inch page are mal-formed. This makes reading really hard and creates the need to always zoom the screen, even if the PDFs you are viewing are fonted. 1024 by 768 on a 10-inch screen just isn't enough to read any material that was designed for the printed page, be it magazine, journal article, work manual, reports with fine detail, etc. This applies to a lot of fields were technical material is used, whether the person doing the viewing is a prof, a student, an engineer, an architect, a computer scientist, etc. This screen will be a major bump in the usability of the device, whether people in this thread have the the vision to realize this or not, without having the device in front of them. Discounting this screen is a major flaw in understanding how the screen itself impacts the user experience. Frankly, I can't wait to get my hands on my new iPad. The only thing that worries me is that it won't be the same retina display that is on the iPhone 4/4S. The claim that iPads are held at greater distance hasn't held up for me, but maybe that was because I was trying to compensate for the need to read text with fine detail included that was originally designed for the 8.5-inch by 11-inch sheet of paper.

Depending on what I see when I get mine will determine if I will start working up ideas to develop a digital archive of technical papers delivered to users via the new iPad. While I have wanted to suggest to my professional society prior to now, I held back because the 1024 by 768 screen on the Apple 9.7-inch screen was insufficient for the task. The Android tablets were slightly better but since they hold almost no market share I didn't feel comfortable without the proper experience being present on the Apple screen. Hopefully, this will prove feasible now.

I also think that the improved camera on the new iPad will create some new uses for it. With image stabilization, one can actually make nice home videos on this new device. This is definitely not something that could be done well at all in the iPad 2. Apple obviously realized the benefits which is why they have beefed up their apps in this regard. The same thing is obviously true of photos. Apple has also beefed up iBooks and all of the iWorks and iLife apps in anticipate of this new screen technology. I point out that SJ has his hand in this development and knew what the potential impacts would be.

It's too bad that people here seem to be listening to the hype of the Android crowd in saying that Apple fans just buy whatever Apple releases without regard for features. So now some of you can't see how having an enhanced screen on a device which is nothing but a screen is of any advantage. Amazing. Maybe the Droids are correct about Apple fans not thinking for themselves....at least for some.

I will say finally that this is probably the last major feature bump we will see from Apple for the iPad. The device is mature now. This is why it is not called the iPad 3. They don't want users to expect major feature bumps in future versions. You will only see refreshes that bring current tech into the device as it can be delivered at price points that people can afford. So you can either get it now or you can wait...the reason I want it now rather than later is because I only have one set of eyes and I'm not getting any younger. I want to be able to see well-formed characters on the iPad display when I view my own content and that of others.
And I forgot to mention in my previous long post that Apple made sure to add the right supporting enhancements to the new iPad to ensure that this device is every bit a smooth and seamless as the iPad 2...and the additional RAM should help even more. This is an important upgrade. This is the one to get. You can hold off in 2013 as that refresh will be minor in comparison. I promise you. :)
And I forgot to mention in my previous long post that Apple made sure to add the right supporting enhancements to the new iPad to ensure that this device is every bit a smooth and seamless as the iPad 2...and the additional RAM should help even more. This is an important upgrade. This is the one to get. You can hold off in 2013 as that refresh will be minor in comparison. I promise you. :)

Cheers. Enjoy your iPad.

I'm happy with mine, and if I change my mind, there are Apple stores about 10 mins from both my houses, lol.

I'm waiting to see what else Apple will come up with. I saw a clip of Tim Cook's keynote, on which he said they're just getting started with new stuff this year, so I'm curious what else they'll unveil.
Kaykaykay said:
Cheers. Enjoy your iPad.

I'm happy with mine, and if I change my mind, there are Apple stores about 10 mins from both my houses, lol.

I'm waiting to see what else Apple will come up with. I saw a clip of Tim Cook's keynote, on which he said they're just getting started with new stuff this year, so I'm curious what else they'll unveil.

I'm thinking that this could be a big year with plenty to come......hopefully!

The Archangel
I'm thinking that this could be a big year with plenty to come......hopefully!

The Archangel

Yes, should be interesting. I'd guess that any biggies would be announced within the next six months or so, before holiday distribution would have to ramp up again.
I am probably going to get the three because of the better camera and screen. I take lots of pics of my grandchildren, garden, and quilts. Also, I am 73 and can use any help I can get with clearer reading. I realize it's not a very sophisticated reason for upgrading but I'm happy apple has made those changes. I will probably wait to order until I have a chance to see it in the Apple store.
I'm waiting till they get thinner and lighter. Loving my iPad 2 until then.

Lighter would be great. Thinner, not sure about. The plug would have to get thinner, too, to make that work. On iPad 2 and touch 4, I find the plugs less user friendly than on thicker devices. And on my iPad 2, the SIM tray is stickier than on my iPad 1, because of the curved thinness.

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