iPF Noob
I don't think Apple ever anticipated the sheer volume of preorders this time. And they force the carriers to hold until launch day. If you live in a Metro Area it doesn't surprise me one bit that hundreds of 3/16 promise dates didn't arrive. There's only so much one driver can do in one day. Apple's silly about the Friday release dates. They should make it Wed or Thu and then only promise BY Friday.
I gave up on preorder after both by 3GS and 4 did NOT come when promised. I'm a line stander now and I'm always first in line at the Apple Store in my area.
Works every time. I will never use preorder ever again. And in my area - as long as your at the mall when it opens - you're first in line. No need for the 4am wait nonsense. I'm there at 8:30am and am first in line. So I'm a changed man!
And if you're first in line on the East Coast (as I am) you always get yours before the FedEx or UPS trucks arrive to any preorder folks anywhere in the country.
... that is, if being "first to have one on day 1" matters to you.... lol
I gave up on preorder after both by 3GS and 4 did NOT come when promised. I'm a line stander now and I'm always first in line at the Apple Store in my area.

... that is, if being "first to have one on day 1" matters to you.... lol
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