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The Official I pre-ordered my iPad 3 Thread!

scifan57 said:
Correction,it came after all,just before 8pm.Yahoooooo!!!

I want to show you how UPS can change the tracking info on their website after the fact.From 7:50am,till 7:51pm yesterday,the Regina entry after the arrival scan was called the destination scan,with no hint of the item being out for delivery.After the iPad was delivered,the destination scan disappeared from the site,to be replaced by out for delivery.Does anyone know if this is common or if it means anything?
Here are before and after screenshots.


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Nothing diabolical - I see it all the time with UPS. I've actually had to "stake out" my own home to insure I get a package, as they're prone to claiming a faking a delivery attempt to get through the day more quickly.
Mickey330 said:
Oh, absolutely! :D

And, going from the first to the third generation - what a pleasant change (awesome, even). All I can say is: As an ex-iPad1 owner, the upgrade is very much worth it.

YMMV, of course...


Yes very much agree as I am also going from original iPad to the new iPad. I think there is something to be said for having patience to 'wait' for odd number upgrades. You end up with such a bigger difference - I loved my old iPad and getting the new iPad on 'release' day via pre order was just perfect. This is a device to be enjoyed until the 5th generation comes out :). I cannot even begin to think of what other improvements I would like to see. I did not see Siri as being something I was waiting for or would use it it came out later. The new screen is by far and away the biggest knockout! Awesome.
Mine is scheduled to arrive Monday by 10:30am. UPS has been very reliable in my area so I am going to work from home and wait patiently...
I share your sentiments. I just saw that mine traveled from Anchorage, Alaska and arrived in Louisville, Ky. It is now traveling to Dallas. That should be the last leg before it is put on the delivery truck tomorrow.
So I wasn't able to call UPS CANADA Friday cause I waited till about 8pm to call them (to give them time to deliver still) and they were closed.

I called this morning and the guy told me they have till March 21st to get my iPad to me which was promised on March 16th. As soon as I gave him the tracking number he said "oh it's an iPad". He said they had too many packages to get out on the 16th so he promises by the 21st. Great.
Long Rant about Not Getting My New iPad on Time!

Yeah, I'm totally annoyed with these couriers' poor management of this whole thing. I'm in the Los Angeles area. I pre-ordered mine on 3/7, was given the 3/16 delivery date. FedEx had my package on 3/11 with the instructions to deliver on 3/16. I'm sure they had thousands of other packages at that time with the same instructions...so how is a week not enough time to schedule enough drivers to meet Friday's demands? Not only did they fail to deliver Friday, but Saturday as well. According to their tracking site, it was put on a truck Saturday morning. So there I was, pacing by my window, expecting my package at any moment. At around 2pm, I checked the tracking site again and it said that my package was back at the FedEx facility?! So I called the customer service line (thankfully the rep spoke a little better English this time than the one that "assisted" me the previous day) and was told that they stopped delivering at 3pm but that I was welcomed to go pick it up from the facility that closes at 5pm, otherwise "hopefully" it would arrive on Monday. Gee thanks. So I went to pick it up, in the rain, of course, with my 7-year-old in tow...LOL. If I wasn't so annoyed, it would've been funny. The guy at the desk told me they had 4,000 iPads to deliver on 3/16. Cry me a river. Like all those iPads just suddenly appeared in their facility on Friday? They knew days (if not longer) in advance that they were going to have a crapload to deliver on Friday. Some people blame Apple for their stringent delivery date instructions, but it's not their fault that these couriers are failing to provide the service they are paid to do. Anyway, I ranted as much in an e-mail to FedEx. I got a reply yesterday, telling me that my package had been picked up and that I can check their tracking system in the future for this information. :confused: Next time I'm waiting in line at the Apple Store!
I ordered mine on 3/17 and my receipt says will be shipped 4/9 and should be delivered 4/13... 4/13 just happens to be Friday the 13th so my luck it will arrive with a shattered screen or something lol
ordered the 64gb black wifi only don't see any need for the 4G for my purposes if if I need to I will tether it to my phone.

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