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I have an Iphone3G, But I am swapping it for an Ipad..Question


iPF Noob
Hi all. new here and this place seems great

So I am supposed to get a Wi-Fi+3G for X-mas. and my question is this

I currently have an Iphone 3G (16GB) that I basically only have so I can listen to Howard Stern at work lol. My company pays for a BlackBerry for me so I really dont NEED two phones. My thought is to get rid of my iphone ($100 month) and just use my ipad ($25month) to listen to Stern @ work.

So, everything I have paid for on my iphone over the past year... do I get ALL this back for free? When I connect my IPAD to my PC for the first time. what should I do?

Thanks all. sorry for long post.
Hi all. new here and this place seems great

So I am supposed to get a Wi-Fi+3G for X-mas. and my question is this

I currently have an Iphone 3G (16GB) that I basically only have so I can listen to Howard Stern at work lol. My company pays for a BlackBerry for me so I really dont NEED two phones. My thought is to get rid of my iphone ($100 month) and just use my ipad ($25month) to listen to Stern @ work.

So, everything I have paid for on my iphone over the past year... do I get ALL this back for free? When I connect my IPAD to my PC for the first time. what should I do?

Thanks all. sorry for long post.

Yes, you'll get your iPhone apps for the iPad. You won't have to pay for them twice. I don't have the iPhone this is just what I was told, I asked the same question.
Yes, that's how it works. Hook it up to the computer that your iPhone is linked to and all your apps and music will transfer over. I did the same thing.
Ditto-you're golden.
Your apps that are only optimized for the iPhone screen will work, but will look a little pixilated if you increase them to full screen on the iPad. Some apps have been optimized for both.
I have both devices, and the pixilation is not the end of the world either. With some of my games, I barely notice it even.
To get some apps upgraded to HD on the iPad, you will have to purchase them again. To ease the pain, most of these are much improved on the iPad. Better layouts, more graphics and easier to read. So, you'll get what you pay for, if you upgrade.
Holy cow, $100 a month???

I pay roughly $65.. Though that's through tmobile

I'd get company to pay for iPhone service an give em back the crackberry
You have me wondering, do I really need the iPhone. I could get a much cheaper phone now that I have an iPad. Anybody got thoughts ? You make a good point.
You have me wondering, do I really need the iPhone. I could get a much cheaper phone now that I have an iPad. Anybody got thoughts ? You make a good point.

I'm not a big mobile phone talker... (Less than 60 minutes a month) I have a cheapie pay as you go phone that costs me 16 dollars a month.. It has WAP and SMS capability, but doesn't do apps or graphical browsing..

I could have switched to an iPhone for apps and graphical browsing, but I chose the iPad for this because of the BIG screen. My cheapie cell phone plan plus my 5 GB iPad 3G plan worked out to be less than the single iPhone data plan my carrier (Rogers Canada) offers... So, I carry two devices, but I have a fantastic screen to browse the net with.
You really have me thinking. The AT&T coverage is so bad on my iPhone and now I pretty much just use it for calls, and rarely, but it's about $75. A month. I know I could get a cheaper deal and actually have better service. Still a bit nervous about cutting the cord. And yes I probably need to wait till my contract expires. Any other thoughts?
I have Sprint, a unlimited data plan with 3 palm Pres on it and it costs only $139 a month complete. I now know why I haven't gone over to At&t if you are paying $100 a month for 1 phone. That's crazy.
Ya I am looking forward to getting rid of it. Honestly the part about the iphone i hate the most is the whole "touchpad" thing. I like to flip open a phone hit a button and be talking... I dont like having to unlock, then touchpad dial etc. its just SO much quicker on a non "touch" phone, but again it comes with the territory of wanting all the apps. I couldnt live without my apps to stream howard stern.. but now that i will be getting ipad. im happy to pay the $100 cancellation fee and say goodbye to AT&T (which is pretty bad).. verizon ftw..
You really have me thinking. The AT&T coverage is so bad on my iPhone and now I pretty much just use it for calls, and rarely, but it's about $75. A month. I know I could get a cheaper deal and actually have better service. Still a bit nervous about cutting the cord. And yes I probably need to wait till my contract expires. Any other thoughts?

If it's bad on your iPhone.. What makes you think it will be better on iPad? It's not like they have special towers built just for the pad...

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