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Internet connectivity question for new IPad

My laptop is a Compaq. I don't recall the model but it is a cheap one. Also, I inadvertently misquoted my data plan... It is $30/month for 5GB. However, that price is ONLY good if using my Blackberry as a tethered modem AND I am month-to-month (no contract). Not to mention that I am also required to pay another $30/month for the Blackberry access. If I were to purchase the Mifi thing, I would have to purchase the unit, sign a 2-year agreement, pay $60/month for 5GB, and STILL maintain my data plan for my Blackberry. I am not intending to 'make things harder than they have to be'... I just don't see a logical solution. I am to the point of selling the damned thing on EBay because I HATE AT&T and don't understand how they think $25/month for 2-freaking-GB is sufficient. I also don't understand why Apple agreed to it... but that is another conversation for another thread.

Thanks all!!

I also do not like ATT but like Microsoft they seem to be a fact of life for us.

I was not suggesting you get the MiFi I was saying just use the ATT Data and be happy.

If you are simply doing order entry I think it may surprise you just how little data that will be?

It kills me to pay them too but it just another tool to get the job done for me.

Also I wanted to know the laptop type just to know if it is Win or Mac.

I mentioned the MiFi, more or less, because I THOUGHT that would be the best answer. However, I quickly realized that it wasn't....
The only concern I have with the 2GB from AT&T is that I am using more than 2GB on my current plan and am ONLY using it for order entry and business related things.

I was hoping to swap the 16GB 3G for a 64GB WiFi for only slightly more money. However, it looks like my only option is to upgrade the 3G from 16GB to 32 for $100 or to 64 for $200 and use AT&T until another, more practical option, come along...
They certainly hit it out of the park with the Data Bait & Switch they sold,no question about it.
I too feel it is a complete SCAM and a not happy about it but I also realize they knew people would realize the usefulness of the Data and just suck it up.

It does Suck.
So wait, why aren't you just getting the Evo 4g on Sprint with unlimited data, rooting it, and then using it for a wifi hotspot while having an AMAZING phone?

It will cost you 70 dollars a month to do that, and if you work for pretty much any big name corporation, you can get a corporate discount which knocks anywhere from 15-25% off of the 70 a month.

Also, Sprint data is unlimited. People regularly use 50-80 GB a month and never have a problem.
First he's with Verizon, second, Sprint data is not unlimited (though they say 4G data IS, you are had pressed to find 4g areas). That said, I've tethered without separate dataplan (via root type set up/masking tether as cell surfing) on my WinMo phones and Blackberry without any extra charges. So, yeah there's that. :) Wifi Hotspot on a rooted Droid should not cost extra for Verizon. shouldn't even need a extra 'tether' plan just a regular phone data plan.
Two comments:

1. Almost any laptop with built-in wifi and Windows 7 can become a wifi hotspot with Connectify.

2. All Verizon Droids and any other Android phone will be able to be a wifi hotspot when Android version 2.2 rolls out. It's built into the Android OS. When it rolls out is determined by the carrier and the phone manufacturer, but most will be rolled out soon or early fall. Droid Incredible (Verizon), for example, is scheduled to be rolled out early August.
Just though I would post a final update and THANK YOU to everbody that helped me with this issue...

I ended up swapping my 16GB 3G for a 64GB 3G and paying the difference. After I did this, I found out that I could get a Palm Pre Plus (with mobile Wi-Fi HotSpot capabiliites) through Verizon for $50. Additionally, this would cause my monthly bill to DECREASE by $30 AND it includes UNLIMITED Wi-Fi. Obviously, I jumped at the offer....

Now that I have been using this setup for a few days... I still think that this was a better decision than using AT&T. However, once the HotSpot feature is turned on, the phone's battery is drained VERY quickly and the phone get seriously hot. A friend that has AT&T 3G for his IPad stated that he did not notice any difference in the level of service between his and mine.
If the world was perfect, I would look like Tom Selleck. We have to find solutions that work for who we are and where we are. I never use over 2GB, but for $5 more, I can afford to keep my unlimited plan. The main thing is that you found what works for you. Look into battery packs for your phone. A lot of manufacturers make some good ones.

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