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I havent missed flash support at all...maybe it is over-rated?

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iPF Novice
OK so, one of the bigger issues I was contemplating when tablet shopping was flash support. Im sure most PC-people were worried about this since "so many websites" use it and the web experience can be crippled with the iPad's lack of flash support. Or, so we were told. What I have found in roughly two weeks of fairly heavy use is that I have yet to run into a problem where not having flash caused me any distress. None. Zippo. When I first got the iPad 2, I trembled thinking "Oh no, Im gonna miss out on lots of web content". This just hasnt been the case.

Now, maybe I just havent hit many sites or dont visit the ones that do use a lot of flash so my experience isnt the same as many of you? I dunno - but I do know that flash support, or lack thereof hasnt mattered to me ONE single bit. And, this was a major concern of mine going into all of this. I love my iPad :thumbs:

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There have been a couple of pages that were a bit annoying because of no Flash, but like yourself I haven't missed it.

All a bit of a flash in the pan really wasn't it?

There are numerous threads on this subject. No need for a new one. Please search and post there.

(FWIW I haven't missed it much at all either :) )


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