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I LOVE my ipad!!

I thought he was on Oxy-Contin!

Nope, he is on Oxy-Nontin,,, he detoxed years ago. He is a straight arrow now :p
Yeah.... but he is still Rush Limbaugh! No further comment at this time.

Yup,,, I'm sure Rush Limbaugh will always be Rush Limbaugh.. Besides screwing around with Oxy and 3 failed marriages, the man must be doing something people like... last check, he was a multi billionaire. Not millionaire.. Im blown away,, it seems everyone is listening to him these days.. I hear his station on air at more places the last year than ever... em... think i'll tune in and see whats going on... am i missing anything :p
Pandora. All music. Best app ever. If I had not signed up for a lifetime Sirius subscription, this would be my primary radio source.
Is there an Radio App that can be listened to in the background?

Not yet on the iPad. But iso4 should fix that.
Absolutely NOT true!!!

This got lost waaaaaay back on Page 1, but one of the advantages of Pocket Tunes is that some of the stations can be played in the background by playing it through the Quick Time Player on Safari. Not every station can be played in the background and I don't know why some can and some can't. Once it is playing in the background, you can open any other app on your iPad.

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there should have been a period after 'or don't.

Nothing in my statement referenced possibilities.

I have yet to find a safari website that runs in the background after I switch apps. I'm going to lookup the Pocket Tunes app right now.
I'm thinking Pocket Tunes is not free? I hope it plays the two talk radio stations I listen to!

I must have missed this on page one, I'm sorry.:(
As you will already have found out by the time you come back here is that Pocket Tunes is $6.99. They do carry KSTE. What is the other station you are wanting to listen to? I would be happy to check for you.

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