I am a high school Spanish teacher. How can I best use I-Pads in my classroom? I am looking into Skype pals in the same time zone, know there are hundreds of flashcard apps, but what else?
I am also a Spanish teacher, teaching third year High School level and am going to use iPads in my class. Any ideas/tips would be great! I would also like a Skype buddy. I am in upstate NY.
I am a high school Spanish teacher. How can I best use I-Pads in my classroom? I am looking into Skype pals in the same time zone, know there are hundreds of flashcard apps, but what else?
You might find it useful to go to the web and look at the various blog entries at the Fraser Speirs iPad Project site. This gentleman implemented a program to use the devices in a school in Scotland, I think. A lot of good ideas and practical tips.
There are a few apps I love for Ipad in the Spanish classroom. One is Screenchomp. Students can record their dialogues and play them back. I also like Doodle Buddy, It is an Ipad app that I use to have students draw out vocabulary words. I make a classroom competition out of this activity. This is pretty fun for elementary level kids. EDITED BY MODERATER..NO EXTERNAL LINKS is the best spanish app I've come across. It is huge app that teaches over 1800 vocabulary words. Kids love it and can spend countless hours working on Noyo Spanish.