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I think a 128Gb might be next...


iPF Noob
So my first iPad 1 was a 32Gb. I never put more than 10Gb on it. So when I bought my iPad 3 I opted for 16Gb. It's worked out fine. Only this is what really happened...
I gave my iPad 1 to my son who was 2 or 3 at the time. He put a ton of movies and games on it and filled it up. He wanted a mini for Christmas so I opted for 32Gb. He's 5 now and his mini is full. The 32Gb iPad 1 is now my daughter's (she's 2). She wants a mini for her birthday which is in April. Probably going to get her a 32Gb but haven't decided yet.

Here's what I've discovered...
Even though I don't require the space, when I give my kids my old devices they really do require a lot of space for their movies and games. I'm perfectly content with 16Gb iDevices, but knowing that my kids are going to inherit it someday it seems that if I'm smart I should buy the largest Gb out there.

At home with our wifi it's fine. But we spend a lot of time at our beach condo where there no wifi. So space does matter.

Thanks for listening to my rambling. The point of all this was I'm about to buy a new iPad Air and I think the 128Gb is going to be the best purchase based that I now know that my kids will soon inherit this thing and it will make my life a lot easier knowing it will hold more.
Sounds like a plan. The thing with storage is that you can manage it to some extent and that would allow a smaller sized storage device to be used. But, kids aren't the types to do that so it's easier to just get them the extra storage. They just download every app they can, save every photo they take, and whatever else they do with these things. They eat up space quick, as you found out! ;)

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