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I think I broke my iPad!

Mickey330 said:
Huh. Guess that probably explains why my Inspell works fine? It's from the BigBoss repository that's standard on Cydia (and I paid $3.99 for it).

At least now I feel better, knowing that I probably don't have to worry about my Inspell causing problems (which it hasn't ... but still).

And, I still find it to be an awesome package and well worth the price. You get all the spelling check features, with NONE of the auto-correct problems. Can't recommend it enough, actually, if you're ... pedantic like me.


Ok, from reading this post it all makes sense now. Lol. The other repo had it for free ***** yeah, Big Boss is a built in repo when Cydia first installed.

Sent from my Jailbroken IPad on 4.2.1 ;-)
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Mickey330 said:
Huh. Guess that probably explains why my Inspell works fine? It's from the BigBoss repository that's standard on Cydia (and I paid $3.99 for it).

At least now I feel better, knowing that I probably don't have to worry about my Inspell causing problems (which it hasn't ... but still).

And, I still find it to be an awesome package and well worth the price. You get all the spelling check features, with NONE of the auto-correct problems. Can't recommend it enough, actually, if you're ... pedantic like me.


Totally agree, and a great illustration of why folks should not pirate apps!
f4780y said:
Totally agree, and a great illustration of why folks should not pirate apps!

Agreed. Why harm those who give us access to great apps such as the one mentioned?

****** least we can do is support these developers by buying their apps.
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Emileb420 said:
For the last week or so, I've been having a lot of "springboard crashes".
The screen goes black, then comes back with the icons all moved around and a warning screen comes up saying something about springboard having crashed and now is running in safe mode. This has been happening several times a day.

Now, for the last two days, most of my apps have been crashing. They close in the middle of using them. I had to log onto the forums on my laptop because I couldn't get thru typing this message on my iPad without the IPF app crashing.

I've tried deleting the last couple of cydia apps I installed, but I have no idea if it is just one tweak thats doing it, or all of them or what.

Do I need to reload everything on my iPad to do fix this? If so, can someone point me towards proper instructions. I'm wondering if I'll have to go thru and reinstall all my cydia tweaks again etc....

It's going into SAFE mode from a tweak or something you installed from Cydia that's probably not capable for your firmware or device. Your gonna have to go throughout and find out which one it is. Start with your most recent and work your way down.

Sent from my incredible iPad 2
Emileb420 said:

So you were using a cracked incompatible version of a paid Cydia app and wondered why you were having stability problems... Shame on you. Time to re-read the forum rules...

Seriously, folks. I have edited quite a few discussions in this thread that are against IPF rules. This would be a good time to familiarize yourself with the Hacking Rules.

I even have a link for you below.:)
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Ok, so now I'm stuck with a bunch of repos on my list I got from a stupid blog post. If i try and search for an app in cydia, I no longer know which repos are the legitimate ones.
Can some one tell me which are the only ones I'm supposed to have in my list, and I'll clear out the other ones.
Ok, so now I'm stuck with a bunch of repos on my list I got from a stupid blog post. If i try and search for an app in cydia, I no longer know which repos are the legitimate ones.
Can some one tell me which are the only ones I'm supposed to have in my list, and I'll clear out the other ones.

Good for you. Happy to help turn someone back from the darkside!

BigBoss, ModMyi, ultrasn0w, Telephoreo Tangelo (Saurik), ZodTDD & MacCiti are the standard repos shipping with Cydia.

There are many, many repos out there which are of value to add to your list. Even the ones which also host pirated or cracked apps may have the odd package which is legitimate and legal. However, it is my opinion that you are obliged to take responsibility for your actions when adding repos and understand how to avoid stealing apps which you should normally be paying for.
Just my 2c.

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