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I think i have real problem here :/

I think an app caused it which named "Clean Memory Tab". It may deleted something, icon or font file... I uploaded new picture.

Sorry for my indifference by the way. We had problem in my country yesterday which is near my home. I never abandone anyone :)
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What were the last several packages you've installed. If possible, install AppInfo from Cydia, and paste the list here. Also, try booting into safe mode and see if the issue still exists.
I feel your pain when it comes to wiping you iPad, but sometimes you have no choice, that is why I try to make backups in the cloud often...
I feel your pain when it comes to wiping you iPad, but sometimes you have no choice, that is why I try to make backups in the cloud often...

Unless you have only a few apps, few games, few media and stuff in your iPad you wouldn't feel the pain. Thats why I am fine with wiping my iPad. Except for the fact my wi-fi sucks.
Why not just backup and restore to clean 7?

But, i'll try my best to help you without restoring your iPad.

If you cannot open Mail & Safari, that means you have cache problem...

[Moderator edit: Removed link to other iPhone-related forum. Please read our rules.]

We need to know which packages have you installed, so follow this procedure:

Download this free app from cydia called Mobile Terminal, open it and then type this:

cd Media
dpkg --list > packagelist.txt

Now you have perfect list of ALL things installed from Cydia. Open the packagelist.txt with iFile (Tap Sidebar, Home, Media, packagelist.txt) and upload the content here.

[Moderator edit: Removed long list of unnecessary coding showing the poster of the list is a pirate. Please read our rules!]
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I tried "Safe Mode", didn't work. I could get used to no-icon in my "Settings" but can't say the same thing for "Mail" crashing.

I' ll send my packagelist to you riko4628...

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Or, he could just install and run the free tweak App Info and post his installed packages here - as mentioned by willerz2.

@riko4628: I suggest you take a moment to read our rules in their entirety. Not only did you post a link to another iPhone forum, your coding list also revealed you have installed tweaks and apps that enable you to commit piracy (a.k.a. theft).

This forum does not condone or help pirates. Not only is piracy, and any discussion thereof, against this forum's rules, it's theft and thus illegal.

Please don't hinder our efforts to help this member; cease all references to piracy and stealing apps. Thank you.

You are right, unfortunately :( I'm backing up my datas to the iCloud, then I reinstall the iOS...

and thanks Marilyn for reminding rules.

But I still have doubts; does jailbreaking consume more memory compare to jailed? Since I jailbroke my ipad, I had pretty much crashes... That's why I used some "memory cleaners"...
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