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I tried EVERYTHING!!! please help


iPF Noob
I have a iPad 1st gen and its stuck in a loop with the ( usb cord & itunes warranty ) and i cant get it to take ANY IPSW's. No program will take it out of the loop they try to exit the recovery mode then it gos right back. When i install iOS 5 iTunes will show vearfying ipad then (waiting for iPad) and it shows the apple logo on the iPad with the loading bar but then it wont load at all about 2 min later it just crashs and i get a iTunes error 9? The ipad will not get past the WAITING FOR IPAD on iTunes anyone know why?
I'm thinking about changing this iPad Charging Port Replacement because iTunes error 9 is a usb connection and i have no norton or AVG installed and used all usb ports and a different CPU but even know i can get it from my shop i dont want to order a $60 part for nothing
OK, here's the failsafe checklist process. If this does not work (and please make sure you do every step exactly), then it points to a hardware issue...

1) iTunes must be the latest version 10.5, so update it if it is not. Turn off any anti-virus or anti-malware products temporarily.
2) Download the 5.0 firmware for your iPad model to your desktop from this thread - http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/24939-official-apple-ios-firmware-download-links-ipad.html
3) Download TinyUmbrella for your PC from this site - The Firmware Umbrella - TinyUmbrella
4) Start TU, switch to the "Advanced" tab, UNTICK the box that says "Set Hosts to Cydia on Exit", then exit the TU program (you won't use it any more)
5) Connect your iPad to your PC, and put it into DFU Mode using this guide - http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/27489-dfu-mode-dummies.html
6) Start iTunes, it will recognise your iPad in recovery mode, click OK, the shift-click (Windows) or option-click (OSX) on the "Restore" button and iTunes will prompt you for a firmware file to restore - choose the one you downloaded in step 2.

This is a failsafe method, and the process should complete normally. If it does not, please post the error message iTunes displays this time.
ok thanks. iTunes gets all the way to the point where it says waiting for ipad and the pad shows the apple loading bar but didint load at all it just quits and i get iTunes error (9)
OK, well error 9 usually means there is a problem with the USB communication. Can you try a different USB port to the one you usually use? And don't use a hub or other external USB.
Possibly the dock connector that is broken then. A bent pin is not unusual. Try taking it to an Apple store and they will try and restore it for you. At least then you will know for sure. If you followed the steps above and have tried all the USB ports it points to the device I'm afraid :(
ok thank you im gonna try it on my moms computer if not ill change that charger port flexribin cable (maybe) or just have a new paper wight

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