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iPAD 2 stuck on itunes and plug screen ??/HELP..


iPF Noob
I just got my Ipad 2 last night. i plugged it in and let it charge overnight and this morning it appears to be stuck on a screen that shows an iTunes logo with the plug in cord. I cant get it to do anything else??? Do I have a "bad apple"? do i need to take it back?
No thats standards for a new ipad (at least until iOS 5 comes along), you need to connect it to a PC/Mac with itunes to register it.

It does explain this in the little booklet you will have got with it.
The instruction sheet says to download iTunes to your computer, plug in the iPad and go from there. Did you do that?
toglenn said:
The instruction sheet says to download iTunes to your computer, plug in the iPad and go from there. Did you do that?

I have had my iPad 2 since April I updated the software last night to 4.3.5 I think it was but it did not work and now my iPad will not work it just has the use picture on the screen can anyone help me please
yep..that worked,thanks
No thats standards for a new ipad (at least until iOS 5 comes along), you need to connect it to a PC/Mac with itunes to register it.

It does explain this in the little booklet you will have got with it.

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