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I tried this at Kinko's and it did not work


iPF Noob
I tried the other day to go through Itunes when i was in another city basically i wanted to synch up with Itunes and load some music i like onto the ipad and the Itunes would not let me do this ..I went to Kinko's to use there computer to do the work and Itunes would let me log in but will not let me transfer the music and other data that i wanted on the ipad ..

The cable i was useing was the standard apple data transfer cable and it showed that i was in the itunes but would not go any farther than that ..

so has that happen to anyone else when trying to connect to Itunes from a diff computer set up ..
Have you checked, whether iTunes was updated?

But I don't fully understand, what you were trying to do. Why would you want to synchronize your iPad from a pc you only use once? I don't see how that is worth loosing all content on your iPad.
Logging into iTunes only allows you access to the iTunes store. It doesn't save all your data in the iTunes store so if you tried to sync you would only be able to sync data that is opn that Kinkos' PC. Were you trying topurchase and download a new CD? Or where you trying to sync an album you already own?

If you just want to purchase a track that you like, you can do that directly from your iPad via the iPad's native iTunes app. No need to involve a PC or Kinko's. Just open up the iPad's iTunes app, select 'Music' on the bottom left-hand button, search for the track that you want and download it directly to your iPad over WiFi or (if it's not too big) 3G.

It is then downloaded and is stored in the iPad's iPod app ready for playing.

You can only sync your device to one computer and iTunes account. The least harmful thing that can come from attempting to switch back and forth is that it won't work. The worst is that it will overwrite all the data on your iPad.

There are methods to switch computers, but they are intended for when you get a new computer, or buy someone else's iPad. Doing it at a strange computer place would risk giving away your account and or data.

To buy some music you want on your iPad while away from your computer, just use the iTunes app on the iPad. If you don't have 3G you'll have to find a WiFi hotspot. You do not need to, nor should you every, connect your iPad to someone else's computer.

When you've purchased music in iTunes on the iPad it may not show up in your computer's iTunes library until you transfer it. To do this just connect your iPad to the computer. When it shows up in iTunes, right click, and chose transfer purchases.
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i tried that and it did not work

I am surprised. At what point did it fail? I do this all the time - in fact, just a couple of minutes ago - and I downloaded some tracks using the iPad's native iTunes app over 3G. Are you actually able to make the purchase but it won't download to the iPad or doesn't the iPad's iTunes app even let you make the purchase?

After I've selected the track I want to download the only other thing I get asked is for my iTunes password. Once I've entered that, the little 'Download' icon at the bottom right-hand corner of the iPad's iTunes app shows a '1' callout. If I then click on that 'Download' icon it shows me a graphic of the progress of the download. Once the download has completed, if I switch to the iPad's iPod app the track is there ready to play.

my ipad is wifi only and i thinking it would be better to go with the wifi spot unit from now on and use it that way to down load load data as it need when traveling
Perhaps u did not have an Internet connection at the moment? Or kinkos had some limitations?

Sent from my iPad using iPF
It shouldn't matter that your unit is only WiFi. Kinkos have free WiFi as do a whole bunch of other retail outlet, coffee shops, malls and motels. Even though I have a 3G iPad I don't use the 3G when in the US because of the roaming charges. But I never find a problem locating free WiFi, either in my motel or in Starbucks or Kinkos. You can download your music using the iPad's native iTunes app sitting having your skinny cappuccino. (I put too much chocolate on the top....)

i have no idea why it did not work to my way of thinking it should have worked with me loging into Itunes account that i had because i done it at my work computer and it was not a problem ..So i was wondering why it should worked ..I have Itunes one for the home computer

I'm going to try what you said about doing that in the morning at the local Kinko's and try what you said about doing that way in your post
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Last time I was there they had no limitations at all. But, after your iPad has 'joined' the Kinko's network, check to see that you *do* have Internet connectivity - i.e. surf to a web site with Safari just to be sure.

Then hit the iPad's iTunes app and start downloading!!

Good Luck and let us know how you get on.


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