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i-tunes library gone after connecting new i-pad2


iPF Noob
Hi, Hope you can help. I've been reading through a lot of topics, but can't find my problem.
I have I-tunes on my PC since 2 years. Started with an I-pod Nano. Works great. Got the I-pad2 in October 2011. Installed a lot of music (from my own cd's, not from the appstore), Apps, books (both from the app store) etc. Worked great until last month (hardware problem, probably the lcd, but they didnot say). Fortunately it was still under warrantee and the apple store replaced it for free. Great service from Apple!

Now, I connected the new I-PAd2 to my computer and everything downloaded perfectly from my I-tunes back up: apps, books and music (although half of the music did not, but they were still in my I-tunes library). After that, I connected my I-pod nano to the computer and it treated my i-pod as if it was a new one, telling me the device was successfully installed and it looked as if it installed a new i-tunes (but I am not sure, it went so fast!!).

Anyway: my whole old I-tunes library with all the music, books and apps is gone!! And if I ask I-tunes to synchronise, it tells me my I-pod is based on another I-tunes library, but I can't find it anywhere, even not in 'previous libraries'. I found the books and app files in Computer/D/music/itunes (as in the attachment) under 'books', mobile applications' and 'music', but not as an I-tunes librairie.
The music is still all on my I-pod nano, and the apps and books are still on my new I-pad2 (also after upgrading to Ios6, by wifi,directly from my I-pad, in 10 min!).

Does anyone have an idea how to export my music files from my i-pod into the new i-tunes librairie, and to export the apps and books from my i-pad to the same i-tunes librairie? I tried something I saw on the apple website, where they showed you open the i-pod on your computer screen in order to see the files, but there was no 'i-tunes' file in there..

Thanks for your help, hope I made myself clear..
Did you log in on the PC with the same original account that you use before? If you have multiple accounts on the PC you might have different library locations, You might also try logging in as an administrator on the PC and do a search for one of the songs that should be in the iTunes library. That will help you find where the music is stored on your computer. Just search for the song title. Don't include an extension like .mp3. iTunes normally does not save songs in mp3 format.
As for getting the music back off of the iPod, there might be a program that you can download onto your computer.
Another thing you can try is call the apple support number. If there is a waiting line you get the option to have them call you back at a time of your choice. If there is a problem with your iTunes they might be able to fix it,

Sent from my iPad using iPF - Peace
Itunes library gone after connecting new ipad 2

Did you log in on the PC with the same original account that you use before? If you have multiple accounts on the PC you might have different library locations, You might also try logging in as an administrator on the PC and do a search for one of the songs that should be in the iTunes library. That will help you find where the music is stored on your computer. Just search for the song title. Don't include an extension like .mp3. iTunes normally does not save songs in mp3 format.
As for getting the music back off of the iPod, there might be a program that you can download onto your computer.
Another thing you can try is call the apple support number. If there is a waiting line you get the option to have them call you back at a time of your choice. If there is a problem with your iTunes they might be able to fix it,

Sent from my iPad using iPF - Peace

Hi, thanks for your quick response.

Yes, i logged in with the same account. I can find the files, they are in the attachment i send with my 1st question, but how come the whole library is gone? Why is there a new one, which is empty, that states, when i plug in my ipod, that the ipod is linked to another library ( so it knows there is another one!).

I saw some programs on the web, but this cannot be such a strange event? There must be a solution that will not cost me 25 usd?

I went to the genius bar to ask them about it, but they told me to bring my computer there. That's not an option: it's a 3year old big DELL...

So if anyone had the same problem, please let me know, before i put everything in the new library, one by one ( please????)

If i understand correctly, your iTunes library is now empty, and all of your app is in your ipad, and then all of your music is in your ipod?
If that's true, here are my suggestions :
1. Use ifunbox to backup all of your application. Just open ifunbox, plug your ipad, select all of your application, right click, backup to IPA (installer) files. Then you can directly drag and drop all of these ipa to iTunes.
2a. Use ifunbox to copy your music from ipod. Open ifunbox, plug your ipod, browse to your music folder (I can't remember exactly the folder path), copy all the music files (and folders) to your PC. The mp3s are renamed to Fxx.mp3 (xx stands for no) when they are sync via iTunes. However they retain their meta data such as artist, title, track no. And then you can import them back to your iTunes library.
2b. Use copytransmanager to copy selected music from your ipod to your pc. However copying music from the iDevice to PC is limited to a certain number.

Hope this helps
Hi! In fact, all my old music, from my old library is on my i pod and all my apps, books and a part of my music, of my old library, are on my i pad. However, as you know, a problem never comes alone...now my C HD is completely full (the chinese dell guys here in Beijing think you only need a small C disk and a very large D disk) and my computer is now trying to log off for an hour. Have to wait for someone to get it up and running again..Will try your suggestion Friday night and will let you know.
It's just strange that Apple doesnot mention it in its FAQ. Imagine your desktop burns down ans you want to install your info from your ipad onto your new computer?
Funbox: looks promising! Can't wait! Thanks!

Hi everyone who is so helpful! I promised to keep you posted on a solution.. With some help here in beijing, i managed to get everything back: the files were not in the right folder: my old librairy files were on my D disc and the new i-tunes version placed everything on C. C was full and couldn't do anything anymore, i could not even uninstall programs... A friend had a special program to add the E disk (which Dell uses for something unimportant it appears) to the c-disk and everything was up and running again. He uninstalled itunes and reinstalled it on my d disc. I just had to import manually the files again by 'file', ad folder to library, select folder. The only thing not to be done is to click on 'organise library' and then 'consolidate files'. My friend told me the chinese just jaibreak their ipods/phones/pass and don't use itunes at all.

I still don't understand why there is still an itunes folder on my c disc if everything was uninstalled (some itunes miniplayer, ipodupdater etc, but no files.. The apple support website is just SO complicated...i guess they just want you to buy an apple computer too ;-(

Thanks again!
Some of the folders used by iTunes have to be on your Windows boot drive. There are ways around it in Vista and 7 but it's complicated

That being said, the dell partition your friend used for the e drive was one the diagnostic and recovery partitions and actually somewhat important.
Some of the folders used by iTunes have to be on your Windows boot drive. There are ways around it in Vista and 7 but it's complicated

That being said, the dell partition your friend used for the e drive was one the diagnostic and recovery partitions and actually somewhat important.

Hi joey, thanks, will ask my friend to look on the boot drive, i am really not very good with the software. With hardware neither, because my c seems to have a problem. I will have a new hardisk installed in two weeks, but at least for now i can work again without programs stalling because of the full C disc. Thanks for your warning!

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