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I want to add videos to iPad but afraid of losing what is on there


iPF Noob
I have 7 home movies on my iPad. I want to add 3 more from the Xmas season. I just found out, however, that I do not have any backups of those 7 movies on my computer.

If I put the 3 new videos in my iTune library (remember the 7 on my iPad are not in my library) and sync will I place the 3 new ones on my iPad but lose the 7 that are on there now?

If so, how can I add the 3 new ones and keep the 7 old ones?

Hi Allan.... - first, you really need to backup those current videos (the iPad alone is a poor excuse for guaranteeing preservation of your 'treasured' pics, videos, etc.) - your options are to get these older videos onto your computer in iTunes; if you have an iCloud account, then a wireless backup of your iPad can also be performed (for myself, I backup my iPad Air 2 to both the cloud and to my laptop). Take a look at this Forum Thread I left not too long ago for some options of transferring visual media between your computer & iDevices. Also, check this Apple Support Article (and follow the links) for further advice - hope this gets you started, but your initial goal is to backup those old videos. Dave :)
Agreed with Dave. I would NOT depend on your iPad to house those videos forever. Get them backed up! Then you've answered the problem anyway because who cares if they get wiped when you have a backup?

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