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ibooks 3.1.1

It would be best to decide which Apple ID you want to keep, and use just that one. Since you've already downloaded and or purchased apps and iTunes content, it would be best use the one that has the most content. With an emphasis on paid content.

While it is possible to manage two Apple ID's, it's confusing, and better avoided; unless you need an iTunes account in more than one country, in which case it's the only way.

Last night I downloaded a couple other apps I am familiar with VLC and Media Player. What was weird was is the only way I could get them to download to a older version was to log out of the App Store, click to install, and re-sign in, then it would offer up an older version.

Apple keeps sending me mail about using different id's from different devices....lack of vision. I think if they can't support them they shouldn't put them on the Market so fast, downward spiral.
Thanks for the replies.

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