One of the many reasons I am getting an iPad is for an e-reader. I was planning on using the iBooks app because of the slick interface but now I'm wondering if I might stick to the Kindle app instead. The Mrs. has a Kindle and loves it... but I was just thinking about how she is able to sync her Kindle app on her iPhone with her Kindle and share books back and forth. So if she has a Kindle account... I might just use her account on my iPad that way when either she or I order a book... we can essentially share it between the two devices. I guess if there is something that I know only I will read then I might go ahead and purchase it through the iBooks app... but if there is a chance that she might be interested in the same book it really makes sense to me atm to just purchase it in the Kindle app that way she can read it on her Kindle once I'm done with it.
What do you guys/gals think? Of those e-reader apps, which do you see yourself using the most?