Well, I'm not precious about my content, but big long unwieldy posts are probably not best for everyone. It's not great to cover too many topics in one post either, or add too much to them after they have been published, unless you are just keeping them up to date on the original subject.
Why not start a series of HOW-TO guides, e.g. "HOW-TO Add publications to iBooks without using iTunes"?
You can reference my SSH post right at the start of each guide. Just say something like "Before you start, you must have SSH installed. Look at the guide here for an introduction to SSH and how to install it on your iPad - LINK.
The only request I would make is please try and get the title of the Thread in the "standard" I have imposed on the section

i.e. start it with "HOW-TO" and make sure it is sufficiently descriptive for users. Good titles really help in searching, linking, etc. And it looks good if all similar threads use the same general title format
Other than that, knock yourself out! I'm really keen that members make a contribution if they want to, so don't worry about stepping on toes. But my general guidance on these kinds of posts is take you time and be as professional as you can be. If you can look at the post and it makes you proud, then you did it right! You might find it easier to prepare it in another tool until you are happy with the words, before posting it on the site. I use Evernote to prepare all my posts.
Also, if you need a hand with pictures etc. let me know. I'd be happy to fill in those if it is a hassle for you.