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iBooks download error

Same problem with me: I can't download free book directly to my iPad. I am pretty sure that the following causes this problem. Among my data there it is not the number of my payment card. What for if - for now - I download only free apps. So: free apps - yes, but not free books ?!? Just because I do not want to enter my card nb....

Hi all,
I known this is an old thread but thought I'd share my answer incase anyone else comes across this thread like I did. I've just had this happen to me today after syncing and updating software last night. Not sure whether it was the former or the latter which caused the issue, but resetting the iPad didn't work, just as it hasn't for anyone else. What did work was going into settings on the iPad, going to the iTunes & App Store settings, signing out of my account, then signing back in. Seemed that the device has somehow remembered my AppleID, but forgotten how to connect to it. Hope this helps someone else out too.

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