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iBooks Title Names


iPF Noob
Feb 2, 2011
Reaction score
Christchurch NZ

Can you change document titles in iBooks?

I use my iPad mainly for work. Generally I get pdf documents into iBooks by email. However, the title of the document when it gets into iBooks is changed, often to something that doesn't mean much (e.g. Microsoft Word Introduction).

Is there a way to change the document title as it appears in the list of files in iBooks?

I'm getting around this by putting the document into iBooks via iTunes where the document title remains the file name but I can only do this at home - I want to be able to email documents and have the file name appear as the title in iBooks.

PDF files have a Title attribute. This is probably what is being displayed. On simple files it is usually just he document name minus the file type. But it doesn't have to be.

In Preview on my iMac I can edit this by opening the inspector and going to the document attributes. I don't know where you would find it on Adobe Reader or if Adobe Reader can edit it, but see what you can find by poking around.
Please let me know if it works.

I'd hate to keep giving the same advice if it turned out to be wrong. Usually I go to the trouble of testing my theories, but I was feeling lazy.
Changing PDF names

So I learned that if you go into your iTunes on your computer you can in fact change your PDF names.

:) Go into "purchased", right click on your PDF file, click "go to info". This opens a separate window, click on the second tab "info" and the first line should have your current PDF name/number. This is where you can enter the name you would like to list it as, then press go at the bottom. When you're all done, sync and you should be set.

However, I had to scroll through my PDF's one by one, on my iPad, so I could see what exactly they were and could match it to the file name on the purchased list. If you know your documents well you may not have to do this. The window that opens is rather small so I couldn't tell exactly which was which. :p

I emailed one of the PDFs that I had changed the name on and the name appeared in the subject line.
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I'm trying to put a tittle page on a one page pdf (song lyric). the generic 'brown paper' type that shows up on some pdf books, showing just the tittle... Does anyone know how that's achieved???


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