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iPF Noob
I've jail broken my iPad2. And downloaded [Moderator edit: removed reference to piracy repo. Read our rules and don't be a pirate!] repository which gives me a hacked version of the Apple app store.

What I want to know is how do I download books from the iBook store?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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I've jail broken my iPad2. And downloaded [Moderator edit: removed reference to piracy repo. Read our rules and don't be a pirate!] repository which gives me a hacked version of the Apple app store.

Please read our rules, you pirate! Here at iPadForums, we do not allow discussion of piracy, to include apps, repos and the act of piracy. Not only is it against our rules, it's illegal! Don't be a pirate and quit stealing from developers!

What I want to know is how do I download books from the iBook store?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Given your self-confessed criminal mind set, this may be a useless statement, but - go to the App Store and BUY a book from the official (read: not hacked) App Store. Then, you can download a book just like an app. You know, like honest people do!

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