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icloud drive!


iPF Novice
My original problem was with data draining.

I deleted my icloud account from my ipad and the problem went away.

I was stupid and wanted to verify that it was icloud because I have emails stored in the icloud account that I need. I reactivated icloud to see if the emails were still there. They were.

When I reactivated the icloud account, IT started icloud drive. I never set it up to begin with. Data draining AGAIN! It took several times for me to turn off the icloud drive on my ipad, however, it still seems to be working.

I turned off icloud on the ipad and thought that the draining would stop. No such luck. Now it drains whether it is plugged in or not!

I finally got out my laptop and logged into icloud with the ipad turned off. No draining. I logged into icloud.com and looked at the icloud drive. It has folders in there! It apparently is still downloading apps!

When I click on icloud in settings on the ipad, it shows the sign in screen.

I have done a hard reset several times. Turned off the ipad completely. When turned back on with wifi it is still draining!

How the heck to I turn icloud off??????

I am on my laptop now so I do not drain anymore of my data allowance.

J.A. help me please!
Use the laptop to delete the folders in iCloud Drive. These are apps from the iPad which store files in iCloud Drive. And if there are many, it will possibly not have finished storing them, although it should stop saving them as soon as you've turned off the feature, afaik. In www.icloud.com - iCloud Drive, click the folders you want to delete and select the trash icon.

In case you haven't done so, completely remove the iCloud account from your iPad.

There's an option to access some features of iCloud on a Windows PC. If you installed it, remove it.

Twerppoet answered on your other thread. Did you also consider trying his suggestions?
I tried deleting the folders from my PC - no luck. I clicked on them and the trash can was not available.

I did go through everything and turned off cellular everywhere. I do not have a cellular account.

I did install the iCloud app on the PC. Do I need it to get to my iCloud account? Everything stopped until it was installed.

When the iCloud Drive first came out I specifically did not set it up. The only thing I can think of is that I do use Pages and Numbers and the drive was automatically enabled in the iOS update. In these apps I had Use iCloud turned off.

Since I posted here today I went into iCloud again in the iPad and turned all of the apps off as well as the apps for the drive (which Apple turned on).

I appreciate you guys helping me! I have a total disdain for iCloud! I will never activate it again!

If cellular is turned on in an app and you do not have cellular, then does it go to wifi? Seems it should only use cellular.

What option are you speaking of to access some features for iCloud on a windows PC?

My iCloud account is forever deleted from my iPad.

Thank you twerppoet and J.A.!
I was talking about the iCloud app on your PC. Here's what it's used for:

If you don't need any of this, delete it from your PC. You're able to access emails, contacts, calendars and a few other iCloud features through a browser as well.
Sorry, it seems the way I described it, you can remove files in iCloud Drive (computer). Folders can't be removed on the PC.

To get folder out of iCloud Drive, you would have to set up iCloud on your iPad again, enable iCloud Drive and turn off all the apps in Settings - iCloud - iCloud Drive. Then the folders would disappear on the computer as well.
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I'm thinking that you are talking about what was installed in my browser when I logged into iCloud.com

Next time I get on the PC I'll get rid of it. I do not use my PC anymore except for lately .

I'm thinking that you are talking about what was installed in my browser when I logged into iCloud.com

Next time I get on the PC I'll get rid of it. I do not use my PC anymore except for lately .
I wasn't talking about your browser. It's possible to install iCloud (iCloud Drive) on the PC. That's what needs to be removed if you don't need it.

It's not possible to remove the folders you found when logged in to iCloud in your browser. That has to be done on the iPad, in Settings.
Having iCloud Drive turned on/off on the computer should make no difference to data use on the iPad, as long as it is turned off on the iPad. However, the computer itself may use up data if it is on.

The other things under iCloud Settings that can use a fair amount of data in the background are:

Photos: If you have either Photo Stream or the new iCloud Photo Library (Beta) turned on, you iPad will upload/download photos to iCloud in the background.

Backup: If you have Backup turned on it will do backups once a day, whenever it can find a time when you are plugged into power, have a wi-fi connection, and the iPad is asleep. If you turn iCloud Backups off, you can still do them manually by going to the settings and choosing Back Up Now.

Mail: In Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars; if you have Fetch New Data set to Push or Fetch, the iPad will download all or part of each email in the background (depending on size). If you change this to Manual the Mail app will only look for and download email when you open the Mail app. The downside is that you wont' know you have new mail until you open the Mail app.

The other apps in Settings > iCloud also use data in the background, however even if you are entering/deleting data in those apps almost constantly, the amount of data they use is negligible.

The iPad defaults to using a lot of background data when wi-fi is available, and even more so when it is plugged into power. This works out well for most users, who tend to have unlimited data on their home internet accounts, but can require a lot of tweaking for those who have data limits.

The ultimate control would be to turn you wi-fi off on the iPad when it is not in use, but even then you'll want to go through the settings and make sure iCloud and iTunes & App Store services you are not using are turned off. Go through the settings for all of Apple's native apps to be sure.
Thanks twerppoet

I still cannot find what is draining my wifi data only when plugged in.

It's amazing! I can just sit there doing nothing and watch the data draining. When I unplug it the draining stops!

Does Pages and Numbers save anywhere else other than on my iPad?

When wifi is off Pages tells me about a difference in a document with comic sans. When wifi is on it does not do that.

I am thinking that this problem started when I did the recent updates to Numbers and Pages. After that is when I noticed that iCloud Drive was enabled and a bunch of apps including those two were selected for the drive.

I deselected all of the apps and turned iCloud Drive off. It did not end the problem. I finally signed out of iCloud completely and it stopped for a couple of days until I worked in Pages and Numbers. There are no up arrows indicating saving, but there is a difference when wifi is off and on.

The only thing that I can do is turn off wifi when I need to charge the ipad and when fully charged unplug it.

Maybe Numbers and Pages are trying to save to iCloud but can't and keep trying? Pages has about 20 megs and Numbers has about 8 megs.

This probably has nothing to do with anything, but, when I updated to 8.1.1 I could not use any of my apps until I logged into iTunes. I thought that was strange.

I sure would like to know what updates when only plugged in except for the iOS update.
As far as I know the iWorks apps (Pages, Numbers, Keynote) should not be accessing the internet if both Documents & Data and iCloud Drive are off in the iCloud settings.

There is a Use iCloud setting in the apps' settings as well. While it should not be enabled when the service is turned off in the main iCloud settings, it wouldn't hurt to make sure.

I've no idea why the font thing is happening. Comics Sans is not one of Pages' built in fonts. I suppose it is possible that Pages is downloading the font as needed, but if it is this is the first I've heard of that feature.

If you want a native font that is similar to Comic Sans, try the Chalkduster SE font, or perhaps Marker Felt. And never, never mention that you've ever used Comic Sans when talking to a professional designer. It's like telling a wine snob that you served Boon's Farm Strawberry Hill at your wedding. :D

Anyway, I can't offer much more in the way of advice. There are a few apps that promise to track your internet usage. They do this by routing all your traffic through their site using proxies or vpn. It may or may not be worth your while to try one for a while. I have no personal experience with them; can't even remember a name to point at. If you do make sure you pick a well known one, and read the privacy policy.
Thanks twerppoet.

The iCloud settings are turned off for both apps. iCloud is turned off for everything that has a switch.

I checked iCloud.com and had to try several times to login. I did this during the data free time this morning. I finally got in and looked at iCloud Drive. I even looked at the beta Pages and Numbers. The folders were created but nothing was in them. Notes had records from 2 yrs ago. I deleted them. Reminders had the same thing and I deleted those. I logged out and tried to login again with no success. Apparently my laptop does not have the latest version of IE.

When the free time was over I watched and the data started draining at about 1 meg a minute. I unplugged it and have been using it all day and have only used 13 megs.

Strange, very strange.

Thanks for trying to help. I appreciate all of your efforts.
Are you still completely signed out of iCloud? Or have you just turned off most of the switches? If the second, what is still on?

Still no ideas. Just looking for clues.
I am still completely signed out of iCloud.

I have always, from the very beginning, had problems with iCloud. The last backup was in May. I could not get it to back up again and gave up. That was only the second time that I had a successful backup since I have had my iPad 3 (which was delivered the day that it came out).

I could not let it backup when ever it wanted because of my limited plan.

It did backup the iCloud emails and I can see them in iCloud.com as well as Notes and Reminders. DataVault is not there.

If you need anymore info, just let me know.

Thanks again!

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