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If I update to 5.1...

I have a JB ipad2 running 4.3.3 I want to undo the jailbreak and set it back to factory defaults. From what I read this is not possible since when I connect to itunes I am asked if I want to upgrade to 5.1.1. I have read that it is not possible for apple to upgrade a JB 4.3.3 to a 5.1.1 since it will have problems recognizing or dealing with the JB. Comments on what to do? I dont care what version I restore to or whether that version can be JB in the future. Just want to get it back to factory settings. Thanks
asdf523 said:
I have a JB ipad2 running 4.3.3 I want to undo the jailbreak and set it back to factory defaults. From what I read this is not possible since when I connect to itunes I am asked if I want to upgrade to 5.1.1. I have read that it is not possible for apple to upgrade a JB 4.3.3 to a 5.1.1 since it will have problems recognizing or dealing with the JB. Comments on what to do? I dont care what version I restore to or whether that version can be JB in the future. Just want to get it back to factory settings. Thanks

if that is all you want to do, just connect it to iTunes and press the "restore" button. This will install factory fresh 5.1.1 on your device and nothing else. Simple.
Make sure you have the latest version of iTunes installed before you start.
Thank you! Worked perfect. I have my iPad at 5.1.1 with nothing but factory settings. One other question, though. When I hooked up the iPad to my pc iTunes made a backup of my settings and installed apps. How do I make sure that backup is not reinstalled to my iPad thus copying the corruption back again? Is there a way to erase the backup that iTunes has on it?
Just run another backup. iTunes only keeps one copy of a backup and that is the most current one. So, by creating another, you'll have only the "good" backup on file.

OK, first off you cannot update a jailbroken device.

I didnt know this as I updated my ipad 1 from jb OS 3 to 4.21 then jb again. So I cant update from JB 4.21 to 5.1.1? So how do I go to os 5 without losing all the stuff on the ipad?
If you want to update to the stock iOS of 5.1.1, you can easily do that. The only thing you will lose is your jailbreak - if you do a backup beforehand. All your apps and data will still be there. Again, the only thing you will lost when you move to iOS 5.1.1 is access to Cydia and all tweaks you may have downloaded for the jail break.

To go to iOS 5.1.1, follow this tutorial here: http://www.ipadforums.net/showthread.php?t=52863

If you follow the steps exactly as written, you will end up with a stock iPad running iOS 5.1.1.

Good luck.

Please clarify. Even though I was able to update jb3 to 4.2.1 via iTunes then jb I can no longer update via iTunes? So my iPad 1 with jb 4.2.1 cannot be updated via iTunes without losing all the apps, movies, books etc on the iPad?
Please clarify. Even though I was able to update jb3 to 4.2.1 via iTunes then jb I can no longer update via iTunes? So my iPad 1 with jb 4.2.1 cannot be updated via iTunes without losing all the apps, movies, books etc on the iPad?

Of course it can be updated with iTunes, that's what it says in the tutorial I linked. The key is that, for those with older iOS versions, it's best to do the upgrade via the DFU mode (as described in the link) rather than just hooking it up to iTunes and doing a restore.

See post #10 for me specifics on what happens and why you need to use the link provided. You're not updating, per se, you are restoring.

Good luck.

thanks. will this pkgbackup also backup all the books in bluefire reader, kindle, goodreader and all the movies in cinexplayer, avplayer proplayer and goodplayer etc....
thanks. will this pkgbackup also backup all the books in bluefire reader, kindle, goodreader and all the movies in cinexplayer, avplayer proplayer and goodplayer etc....

No. Your iTunes / iCloud standard backup does this. PkgBackup backs up your jailbreak apps, tweaks, and settings.
Where is the itunes standard backup located and how is it run and what settings to use for it?

It's not any different a process than normal (read: for anyone to do).

You connect your iPad to iTunes and wait until it appears in the left column. Then, you right clock on it and select Backup. iTunes will then do its magic and you've got a backup.

OK Now I see how the itunes backup and restore works. So it backs up all the apps and not the operating system. Does it also backup the data associated with apps like all the movies loaded into cinexplayer?

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