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Ifile transfer to pc help

Here's what I'd do: Download the [free] program called iFunbox to your computer. Then, connect the iPad to the computer (close iTunes if it opens - or don't open iTunes). Once the computer has recognized the iPad, open iFunbox.

In iFunbox (I use the "iFunbox Classic" tab), follow this path to get to your iFile tweak: System Applications > iFile.app

And, there you are. You can browse around in the tweak as if you are actually on your iPad.

Hope this helps.


P.S. I can't help myself! :) I have to add this: Be very careful when messing about with iFile and iFunbox. You delete or add a file in/from the wrong place and you've got a borked iPad that can only be fixed by restoring it. So, please, take care with your iPad's file system...

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