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iFile v1.6.0-1 - Now With Full Dropbox Support!


Staff member
Okay, I know, an exclamation point in the title? But, I was messing about with iFile just now and discovered the newest version, just released yesterday (10 July 2011) now has full Dropbox support. FULL (!).

Here's the iFile changelog:

·[FONT=&quot] 1.6.0-1 - Feature and Bugfix Release (iOS 4.x and later)[/FONT]

  • [FONT=&quot]Enhancements[/FONT]
    • [FONT=&quot]File Browser[/FONT]
      • [FONT=&quot]Full Dropbox support[/FONT][FONT=&quot] with following features (Registered Users):[/FONT]
        • [FONT=&quot]Copy/move from local file system to Dropbox, from Dropbox to local file system, from Dropbox to Dropbox.[/FONT]
        • [FONT=&quot]Create new folders in Dropbox.[/FONT]
        • [FONT=&quot]Edit filename for files and folders on Dropbox.[/FONT]
        • [FONT=&quot]Show thumbnails in file browser if they are available from Dropbox - supported in 32x32 and 64x64 (retina) resolution.[/FONT]
        • [FONT=&quot]Downloaded files and thumbnails get cached locally.[/FONT]
        • [FONT=&quot]The Dropbox cache can be cleared in Preferences.[/FONT]
        • [FONT=&quot]A user can link to and unlink from Dropbox via Preferences.[/FONT]
        • [FONT=&quot]Pressing Home button on a Dropbox tab gets the user to Dropbox root directory.[/FONT]
      • [FONT=&quot]Added support for "Pull down to reload" in file browser (above search bar).[/FONT]
      • [FONT=&quot]Added display of number of files in current directory and free bytes in associated file system at bottom of file browser (for local file system and Dropbox).[/FONT]
      • [FONT=&quot]Added support for long press on table to select all also in non-editing mode.[/FONT]
    • [FONT=&quot]Attributes Editor[/FONT]
      • [FONT=&quot]Added support for Add to iPod Library for songs and videos (only available if Celeste or YourTube got also purchased).[/FONT]
    • [FONT=&quot]Image Viewer[/FONT]
      • [FONT=&quot]Added confirmation for image deletion in Image Viewer.[/FONT]
    • [FONT=&quot]Web Viewer[/FONT]
      • [FONT=&quot]Added webarchive support.[/FONT]
    • [FONT=&quot]Audio and Video Player[/FONT]
      • [FONT=&quot]Added support for playing content (music/videos) purchased in iTunes.[/FONT]
    • [FONT=&quot]Preferences[/FONT]
      • [FONT=&quot]Added preferences setting to store paths, i.e. paths of tabs get stored on exit.[/FONT]
      • [FONT=&quot]Changed default of "Use Trash" to Yes.[/FONT]
    • [FONT=&quot]Localizations[/FONT]
      • [FONT=&quot]Updated Romanian localization and change-log.[/FONT]
      • [FONT=&quot]Polish updated.[/FONT]
      • [FONT=&quot]Added Korean localization.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=&quot]Fixes[/FONT]
    • [FONT=&quot]Added loading of KeybordFix.dylib to support custom keyboards also on iOS 4.3.x.[/FONT]
    • [FONT=&quot]Added iFile package dependency on diskdev-cmds package to allow unmount of SDCards/USB sticks connected to iPad via Camera Connection Kit.[/FONT]
    • [FONT=&quot]Fixed that when tapping on 'Apply hierarchically' in Attributes Editor, the 'Open with...' dialog came up.[/FONT]
    • [FONT=&quot]Fixed that with active "swipe to delete" pressing the Edit button lead to inconsistent table appearance.[/FONT]
    • [FONT=&quot]Corrected that rotation deselected browser items and reloaded folder contents.[/FONT]
    • [FONT=&quot]Fixed that if a file got removed that a symbolic link pointed to, lead to hiding the symbolic link in the file browser.[/FONT]
    • [FONT=&quot]Corrected cydia:///package/ to cydia://package/ in all about.html.[/FONT]
    • [FONT=&quot]Disabled iPod lib export button for videos in Attributes Editor if Gremlin 2 is not installed.[/FONT]
    • [FONT=&quot]Disabled confirmation dialog when cancelling a support email.[/FONT]
So now, if you have a Dropbox account and an iFile account, you can access Dropbox from within iFile.

To turn on the function, press the gear-like icon at the bottom of the iFile viewing screen. Scroll down in the pop-up until you come to an area titled "Dropbox." I don't remember what it said (mine now reads "Unlink Dropbox"), but just press on the top line to link to your Dropbox account. Once you fill in your information, the folder "Dropbox" will appear at the bottom of the left side of iFile.

If you press on that folder, it is as if you are in Dropbox (app or via PC/Mac); you have access to everything you've got stored in Dropbox. Now, while in iFile, you can copy a file from Dropbox and paste it in an app's Documents folder … or anywhere else you wish. Just think of the steps you've just had saved by not having to switch back and forth between apps.

One last neat function of this update is you can clean out the Dropbox cache [that iFile created when you opened Dropbox]. So, you're not filling up your precious memory with files…

It's available in Cydia for only $4.00 (USD). Go on, what are you waiting for? If nothing else makes you jailbreak your iPad, iFile is probably it...

Happy modding!

Full dropbox integration is awesome for moving and modifying Themes between desktop and iPad! I am having so much fun I may burst! :D

/pop ;)
The Dropbox app was one of the first apps I added to my iPad2, but this Spring I got an email from them saying they would begin charging all users--not just business users--for the service, so I stopped using it. I see the app itself is still free to download; I'm curious whether use of the service is still free (and hoping I'm not being OT here...).

If it is free, as you say it'll make iFile even more valuable on our jb'd devices.

Sent from a classified location.
Hmm? Ive never received anything about dropbox charging normal users, have been using it free, and it still says its free on their website.

My storage is near 4 gigs too from a couple promotions I did last year.
Well I downloaded Ifile yesterday, very useful app!! Had no idea what drop boxes were....and still no idea ha ha, I think a spot of google research is required.......all I can find is drop box distributor on Cydia, is this what you mean?
Well I downloaded Ifile yesterday, very useful app!! Had no idea what drop boxes were....and still no idea ha ha, I think a spot of google research is required.......all I can find is drop box distributor on Cydia, is this what you mean?

Dropbox is an online file storage system. Upload some files to dropbox, access them from any web browser, most mobile devices, etc. Many many iOS apps use dropbox as a method to get around the limited file system... using as an export option for documents, art files, whatever.

With iFile it would just be another way to get files onto/off of your iPad rather than going through an iOS browser app on your pc.
Well I downloaded Ifile yesterday, very useful app!! Had no idea what drop boxes were....and still no idea ha ha, I think a spot of google research is required.......all I can find is drop box distributor on Cydia, is this what you mean?

Dropbox is an online file storage system. Upload some files to dropbox, access them from any web browser, most mobile devices, etc. Many many iOS apps use dropbox as a method to get around the limited file system... using as an export option for documents, art files, whatever.

With iFile it would just be another way to get files onto/off of your iPad rather than going through an iOS browser app on your pc.

Ah right, that makes more sense now, thanks for explaining that one. But surely for someone to offer a hosting service there has to be a charge, how else could they afford to do it!?
Anyone else upgrade iFile and have to disable the 5row keyboard before being able to input Dropbox ID credentials?

I know there was a conflict before with iFile and 5row, but I thought that was fixed?
Nope, no fix, yet. You still have to de-activate the 5-Row keyboard to type within iFile. Hope there's a fix soon ... I always forget and then have to go to Settings to turn off the keyboard.

mobi1 said:
But how do I access Dropbox files inside iFile?

If you haven't linked dropbox...tap the cog wheel @ bottom middle to bring up settings....scroll down and put in dropbox credentials. Now you should see "dropbox" as the last item in the left bottom pane.....I think.
Attributes Editor
Added support for Add to iPod Library for songs and videos (only available if Celeste or YourTube got also purchased).

How does this work? I have bought ifile and yourtube but still don't see this option to 'add to ipod'....under the file attributes...

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