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Ikeepass stopped working with 4.3.2 update?


iPF Noob
I use ikeepass and dropbox for password file management. The Ikeepass program no longer seems to open my file. It worked befor I did the 4.3.2 update.
Some general suggestion that you've probably already tried.

Restart the iPad. Updates seem to unsettle a lot of apps for some reason. A restart seems to help most of the time.

Remove and re-add the DropBox user account and programs master password (I assume it has one). I've had to do this with iPassword after app updates now and then. I'm syncing it through DropBox as well.
crap crap crap. Still not working. Rebooted. Generated a new version 1 password file and made sure it was on Dropbox. Unlinked/re-linked Dropbox to flush the password.

Everything appears to work via iKeepass, it even prompts me for the password to access my encrypted Dropbox file. It just doesn't open and there are no errors.
Bummer. You can try checking out the developer's site to see if it is a known issue with a fix, or contact them for help.

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