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Morning fog.
Black-Bellied Whistling Duck - Rare Appearance in My Area

This morning in my local Winston-Salem newspaper was a story about the black-bellied whistling duck's appearance at Salem Lake (our local recreational lake and main water source) - apparently only the second time seen here - first pic below from the newspaper's website; second image from the Wiki article quoted below. Dave :)

The black-bellied whistling-duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis), formerly called the black-bellied tree duck, is a whistling duck that breeds from the southernmost United States and tropical Central to south-central South America. In the USA, it can be found year-round in peninsular Florida, parts of southeast Texas, and seasonally in southeast Arizona, and Louisiana's Gulf Coast. It is a rare breeder in such disparate locations as Arkansas, Georgia, Tennessee, and South Carolina, though it is now a common breeder in parts of central Florida. There is a large population of several hundred that winter each year in Audubon Park in uptown New Orleans, Louisiana. Since it is one of only two whistling-duck species native to North America, it is occasionally just known as the "whistling duck" or "Mexican squealer" in the southern USA. (Source)
American Civil War Museum opens in Richmond, Virginia

Well, a reason for us to return to Richmond (and of course a stay at the Jefferson Hotel) - the new American Civil War Museum just opened as a building attached to the Tredegar Iron Works/American Civil War Center (first pic) - just a paragraph from the Smithsonian magazine website quoted below - the Museum of the Confederacy is downtown next to the 'White House of the Confederacy' while the American Civil War Center is on the James River - so, a combination of both venues w/ new exhibits using modern audiovisual methods (much more in the link) - for Civil War buffs, a definite visit should be planned. Dave :)

P.S. if interested, checkout my Civil War Travelogue, which has a number of posts on Richmond.

By the time Coleman arrived in Richmond, she had established a productive working relationship with Waite Rawls III, then the executive director of the Museum of the Confederacy. Coleman and Rawls deepened their professional relationship as the sesquicentennial anniversary of the Civil War approached, and the unlikely merger of their institutions began to be bandied about. Both museums had just completed capital campaigns, but their strengths and weaknesses were glaring and not easily overcome. The American Civil War Center had a marvelous location at the Tredegar Ironworks, but little by way of a collection; the Museum of the Confederacy had limited space but featured the largest collection of Confederate Civil War artifacts in the world.
We're away on a short Tennessee vacation in the Pigeon Forge-Gatlinburg area (started to post in my corresponding travelogue) - but late in the afternoon, some thunderstorms came through and as dusk approached, the 'smoke' appeared between the the mountain ridges outside our cabin - the changing views were spectacular - just a few pics below. Dave :)

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