How are you getting on with your new Olympus system camera OB?
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Thank you Richard, bit coincidental this. I was planning to do the below pics tomorrow with daylight (now 8.30pm Mon and dark). But quickly lined up my babies

on the dining room table under fairly subdued lighting.
And despite the poor lighting I think the iPad camera gives a reasonable idea of what I have here.
The above is the menagerie.
That little lot taken from the front:
My first OM system camera the OM2n beautifully finished in top quality chrome with revolutionary "off the film plane" exposure, used by many professionals in various theatres of war. A tough little jewel still works as well as when I bought it new. Here.
My next purchase was the magnificent Olympus OM4Ti with a tough titanium body favoured by professional photographers like Britain's David Bailey. It had advanced features for its time including averaging of chosen spot metering up to 8 spots for great picture control and a revolutionary flash sync of up to 1/2000 sec, which flash unit I also still have. I loved this camera and have fond memories of tramping the countryside with my Manfrotto tripod, still going strong, trying to express myself photographically. And the number of camera club embossed winner's drink coasters scattered around the place show I had not done so badly while having great fun. Here it is in all black:
And of course my new purchase, a week or so old, my first serious digital camera, the Olympus OMD-EM5 system camera, still with those magnificent Zuiko lenses, amid the sharpest in the world. And a logical extension of the previous OM system cameras mirroring them with that lovely retro look that is very satisfying. It's an incredible camera with a 12-50mm (24-100mm equivalent) standard lens which, like the body, is water and dust proof. It boasts the world's fastest auto focusing system and has a most advanced anti-shake 5way system built into the body so you can use any lenses you want with the right adaptors, including all my Zuiko lenses from my other cameras. Here's my new toy:
I was very disappointed in Olympus when the digital revolution came about and it abandoned the OM system concept for a series of measly little handbag cameras, meaning my lovely gear and lenses just sat in the cupboard and, apart from a nice little Panasonic non SLR snapper, I had virtually given up on photography. The enthusiasm is coming back now and, although the legs would not be able to do all that prior countryside tramping about with a tripod and camera bag, I'm now looking forward to more shutter clicking in my own way.
Richard, I'm sorry this has turned out so lengthy. But hey! That's my new shooter.

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