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Inspell - How "Auto-Correct" Should Be


Staff member
I dislike misspelling words; I like that computers help in that regard. What I don't like is the auto-correct feature of the iPad. It's annoying, intrusive and drives me batty! Then I jail broke my iPad and found Inspell in Cydia. Now this is how a spellchecker should work!

Inspell ($3.99, USD)
[Cydia description] Inline spelling corrector for iOS. Uses Hunspell dictionaries to support a variety of different languages. Also, Inspell can setup shortcuts to expand frequently entered text

The most important part about this tweak is that it does not auto-correct. You are in control. If you misspell a word, it underlines it; you press on the underlined word to get a pop-up. Select the correct word and the tweak will fix your error. Here's a picture of the pop-up (with its offering of corrections):


In addition, when corrections are offered, the word is selected. So, if you decide you don't like the offers, just start to re-type the word. The misspelled word then gets replaced (no select/cut needed); it's automatic.

Here's a shot of the settings for this tweak:


But wait! There's more!

I'm kind of embarrassed to admit this, but I didn't really notice a huge timesaver part of this tweak until the other day, when I was reading a review on it. You can set up shortcuts to have the tweak insert letters, words or even whole sentences with just one key press. It comes default with a bunch of presets already established. I didn't need/like them, so I deleted them and added some of my own. Here's a shot of Inspell's Autocorrection settings:


I've added two autocorrects for the purpose of this overview. You can see from the picture above I add the letter "m" as a shortcut for my name. So, if I type that letter and then the space bar, Inspell will "autocorrect" to add my name:


That I know of, this tweak works in every app on the iPad, to include Safari (or Atomic or iCab) web browser, the Mail app and the Notes app. It also works in the document editing apps such as Goodreader and iAnnotate. It appears to be universal; at least I haven't found an instance where it didn't offer a correction for a misspelled word. In addition, I have all of the options under Settings > General > Keyboard set to "on." Oh, and as you can see from the pictures, I have "system autocorrect" turned OFF.

Inspell also comes with an SBSettings toggle, should you need to turn it on/off. Of course, it won't help solve the their v. they're, its v. it's, or you're v. your errors - but I can't have everything. :D This tweak works great and it sure prevents some accidental, and potentially humorous, "corrections."

Happy tweaking!

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I can't seem to keep the ipad's auto correct off. I turn it offend then when I go back in to settings it's back on. Any idea what i'm doing wrong? Thanks
With this tweak, everything is left on - or turned on. IOW, when I go to Settings > Keyboard, I have "ON" the Auto-Capitalization, Auto-Correction, and Check Spelling.

I also have on Enable Caps Lock and "." Shortcut ... but I don't think they are affected/used by this Inspell tweak.

So, having it on is what you want.

Hope this helps.

No, I haven't tried it, so I can't say which is better, sorry.

This is the first one I tried and since it works for me, I've not bothered with another. And yes, the shortcut keys are nice. Makes it easy to sign my name in this post, for example... :D

That's a Cydia tweak called A Smiley Wi-Fi - that you can get free.

I've since modified it so my smiley face(s) will change color with the signal strength, but this'll get you started.

Have fun.

Mickey330 said:
That's a Cydia tweak called A Smiley Wi-Fi - that you can get free.

I've since modified it so my smiley face(s) will change color with the signal strength, but this'll get you started.

Have fun.


Is it theme or app?
Huh. Now that you reminded me - it's a theme. I forgot that you have to download it and then activate it in Winterboard.

I should have remembered, given that it's what I used to create my own WiFi indicators... :o

Sorry about the confusion...

That's a Cydia tweak called A Smiley Wi-Fi - that you can get free.

I've since modified it so my smiley face(s) will change color with the signal strength, but this'll get you started.

Great. Thanks. Another one from you! So...My Dear. Is there a Tweak that forbids the use of commas? LOL. Or...that puts spaces in between words?:D
Thanks, Mickey330, regarding Inspell. I'm trying to decide whether to jailbreak my iPad 1, and a huge factor to me would be if there is a spell or auto correct program that works like the blackberry program that allows editing of the auto correct directory. For example, if I type "ty", it autocorrects to "Thank You". Can I set Inspell to do that? Thank you!
Yep, you sure can set up what I call "hot keys." For example, I've set it so that the letter "M" will bring up my name [Marilyn].

As far as I can tell, the sky's the limit for setting up hot keys. Well, that and the fact that you have to remember what each key means! :D

Good luck.

So you could set up whole phrases if you wanted, or an email address? Say, "syt" and I see the correction, "search on youtube". If it's that extensive it's basically a better iPad TextExpander.
Exactly! I just set up two words to show you:

(1) Here's what I get when I enter the word (test): Enter this phrase. The word doesn't go there but that phrase did

(2) Here's with the word (test2): How about this really, really LONG phrase that goes over the input field?

BTW, note that you should NOT make your hot keys the same except a number difference! I just had a heck of a time putting in that second one - the first phrase wanted to go there once I got to the second T! Guess I should think my experiments through a little more carefully. :D

So yeah, it works with phrases too....


P.S. If you want to make it easy to add your e-mail address with a hot key, may I suggest the Cydia tweak Double At? With it, you can set it up so that wherever you are, a double tap of the @ key will put in your set e-mail address. Makes it very handy. Of course, Inspell works too - if you have more than one address...

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