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Installing your own apps, manually, on the iPad?


iPF Noob
I searched the forums first, but since I'm new to jailbreaking/cracking iOS devices within the last two months or so I might have overlooked the right search terms.

Here is my situation. I have a jailbroken iPad. I have this really stubborn app that will not freaking sync to my iPad. It's a free application I downloaded through the iTunes Appstore. When I went to install it from the iPad itself it said I had to sync to iTunes. Fine. I downloaded it in iTunes, I synced it, it never appears on the actual iPad. Super annoying.

Here's the thing though. The app is just sitting in /Mobile Applications/ in my iTunes directory as a .IPA file. I know I can install third party .IPA files on my iPad because I've installed dozens of them. When I try to manually install the .IPA file from my /Mobile Applications/ directory onto my iPad however the installation fails (note: it says it installed successfully but the app is no where to be found).

What do I have to do to get the .IPA file that I downloaded legitimately from iTunes from my computer to the iPad since the sync process is failing?

Thanks guys!
Are you sure it's compatible? There are a handful of apps I have come across which will not run on iPad using the iPhone mode which is why you cannot install them...
what is the app?

Two apps actually (I didn't notice the other one hadn't synced); Bang! The Official Video Game and BodyMedia FIT.

Are you sure it's compatible? There are a handful of apps I have come across which will not run on iPad using the iPhone mode which is why you cannot install them...

It sure would be nice if they made that readily apparent. I found out that wasn't the case in this instance.

The Solution:

For those of you that find this post via future internet search here's how my situation was resolved. I never did get around to installing the apps directly from the iPad. I did end up trying to sync and backup the entire iPad to iTunes again and this time (when for some reason it had not done so before) it asked me if I wanted to download all the apps on the iPad to iTunes. I did so and then after that it did a full sync and the two apps were installed. Problem solved I guess... although I had a very frustrating and not very conclusive time getting there.

What I can't figure out is what about these two apps made it so that I had to sync to iTunes instead of just downloading them directly to the iPad? So annoying.

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