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interactive 3D model on iPad Safari


iPF Noob
I would like to public on my website interactive 3D models. Is there any way to make a 3d model of controllable on iPad by fingers (zoom, rotation)?
I tried to use HTML5 - canvas, but it is very slow and not controllable on iPad
(Examples are for instance on www zynaps com / site / experiments / environment html )
Generally, on a desktop web browser you'd use flash or HTML to do this, or even, as I use, QuickTime vr. But I'm pretty sure QTVR isn't iOS compatible.

Besides, if you wanted a finger operated iOS solution that would have to be a different option than the normal desktop web browsing solutin.

So, for iOS iPad browsing, I can't see an interactive method of displaying your 3d models. The best outcome would be pre-animated shorts. Bt then, interactive 3d models on web sites aren't wonderfully desirable. All they have is a quick initial 'wow' factor that lasts seconds. Over the years we've found it to be very gimmicky and cheap.

Not telling you your marketing or web strategies here I assure you, just giving you my experience of this type of web visualising and branding over the last few years. Too much hassle than the worth if it.
Thanks for answer.
Actually I prepare content for iPad in the Adobe Publishing Suite for InDesign. But there is no tool for 3D objects. Thats why wanted to help yourself by offline html code...
In the end I will use image sequence which can be controled by fingers and which will simulate object rotation.

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