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Internet explorer on ipad2


iPF Noob
Hello all,

I am very new to this.

I just got my ipad2 hours ago and I am frustrated with a lot of restrictions in terms of viewing files and downloads

I can't download Adobe Flash player

I can't download Java even though it shows on the settings it's downloaded but still can't view related files!!!

I can't even download AirZip plugins

The same restriction of Safari doesn't support this.

Could someone be kind enough to help me, please?

Mc coy
Welcome to the iPad Forum. Hope you enjoy your stay.

Alternatives to the native Safari app are iCab and Atomic. Both get favorable reviews from members. I can't vouch for them as I still use Safari. In many cases (eg YouTube) the available app will replace the need to view the site in a browser window, and make the necessary conversions so that videos can be viewed on a Flashless machine.

Flash is not supported by Apple mobile devices, and never will be. Adobe have now ceased working on Flash for all mobile devices. Other technologies are available and are being implemented.

Mobile Safari is a bit of a cut down browser compared to desktop versions but it does a fair job.

If you give us an idea of what you are specifically trying to accomplish, we may be able to help come up with some solutions. If you do a few searches of the forum, you may find that some of your questions have already been answered.

Hope this goes some way to answering your questions.
Mc_coy76 said:
Hello all,

I am very new to this.

I just got my ipad2 hours ago and I am frustrated with a lot of restrictions in terms of viewing files and downloads

I can't download Adobe Flash player

I can't download Java even though it shows on the settings it's downloaded but still can't view related files!!!

I can't even download AirZip plugins

The same restriction of Safari doesn't support this.

Could someone be kind enough to help me, please?

Mc coy

You need to think of things from a different point of view but it doesn't take long to get up to speed.

As for flash, it doesn't run natively on the iPad but there are some workarounds, this thread is a good starting point http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-faq/54703-flash-ipad.html

I'm not sure what an AirZip plugin is so I can't advise on that.

There are a number of different browsers available in the App Store if Safari isn't doing it for you, Atomic seems popular and for uploading and downloading many choose iCab.

Hopefully this will help you get started but let us know how else we can help and how you get on.....with over half a million apps there is normally a workaround for most things.

The Archangel

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