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Introducing Ablevox Able AAC (AAC) solution for iPad, iPhone and iPod for Non Verbal


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Able AAC is a value priced, easy to use Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) solution for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch for people who have difficulty speaking or are nonverbal. The application has naturally-sounding recorded text-to-speech voices, close to 800 up-to-date beautifully illustrated drawings, full expandability and extreme ease of use.

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App Store - Able AAC
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Able AAC Free is a application to help potential users evaluate two of our paid apps. Able AAC and My Tasks (coming soon).

App Store - Able AAC Free


Special educators, speech language pathologists and occupational therapists have found Able AAC a proven communication solution for children and adults who can access the iPad, iPhone or iPod touch. Educators see it as a cost-effective solution for special education. Users love Able AAC because it is not only powerful, but it runs on the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad platform and makes their children look cool.
Able is currently available in 3 recorded English Accents, one adult US male, one adult female and one US child voice. Several English Acapela voice engine options are available as a simple inapp purchase for all interfaces plus Type and Speak We expect to have all 20 languages supported by Acapela voice engines by the first half of 2013.

-Full Alternative and Augmentative Communication solution with a default vocabulary of over 800 items.
-Built-in natural sounding recorded text-to-speech voices from the Acapela Group (one language, initially 3 American English Voices).
-Supports picture based communication.
-More than 800 custom symbols.
-In version 1, if English is not your native language, you can completely customize text and voice in any language supported by your apple device. The latest iPhone/iPad supports 57 different types of keyboards (From Arabic to Vietnamese). Enter any language text and record a voice and now you have a complete AAC solution in your language.
-3 levels of communication available from simple, advanced to Type and Speak. Your loved one will learn and grow from level to level instead of having to buy and learn a new AAC app when they outgrow the last one. Able AAC is your one stop Application for your communication needs.
-For the Advance interface, touch various pictures and see your sentence form visually and press the green speak button. Express yourself.
-The advanced interface is also designed to teach students with a learning disability numbers, body parts, animals, geography, days of the week, months, dates and years in a unique and easy manner. For some categories you can practice past, present and future tense.
-Extensive picture retrieving options: our library, your device photos, camera, safe picture search on Bing (coming soon)
-One-button addition of new vocabulary items and categories
-Simple interface has 3 categories. User can touch a picture and a full sentence appears in the text box and the sentence is spoken automatically.
-Advanced interface has several categories. User mixes and matches words to create a sentence and presses the green speak button. Words are kept in categories for easy reference.
-Type and Speak. User types a sentence with the onboard device keyboard and presses the green speak button. Text will be spoken by a Acapela voice engine of your choice (In app purchase). See language section for voice samples.
-Capability to store long paragraphs of text for later use such as for debates or presentations etc.
-Quick access to recently spoken items for the last 15 minutes, last hour, all the way up to one week back.
-Under My Tasks, a integrated note pad that facilitates Home School Communication and Individualized Progress Monitoring through text. The notes category has a number indicator to show the parent or teacher that there is a new message waiting.
-Under My Tasks, a separate Home and School/Work schedule to support independence and self-regulation. Add a new schedule category or modify a existing schedule. Its completely configurable.
-Each Schedule can be modified without altering the content of the other.
-The Schedule feature allows the user to develop Multiple Layer Events (Schedule within a Schedule)
-Each Schedule event includes text and image cues with a “check-off” action when the tasks are completed.
-Schedule events are easily added, deleted, or re-orded to match changing situations.
-We included a motivational point system to encourage task completion in school and at home. Points build up throughout the week and when a threshold (parent adjustable) is reached. It will display the small reward that the parent has selected. The rewards are easily configurable and can be changed to suit the situation. Included is a color coded point counter with pop up message.
-The My Task section is completely configurable and if you want to add, modify or delete a category or sub category, go ahead make it yours.
-My Task Category buttons allows the organization of content within logical, easy to access categories such as My Reminders and My Programs.
-A My Info button to alert others of the person’s allergies or medical issues and easy retrieval of parents contact information.
-Create your own Audio and Video recording in Able App
- The Type and speak category can become a e reader
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