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iPF Noob
Just bought ipad, this thing can do everything, but was wondering how to transfer my invoices to ipad, fill them out as job is complete, capture virtual signature and email copy to customer. I currently use carbon copy invoices and keep copy for myself and give customer theirs. Already have company header on paper invoices. Is there a way to "scan" that to iPad and fill out via iPad? Or is there a way to create one on iPad.
This occurred to me for no good reason.

Though it is kind of awkward you could capture the signature too, by using a combination of GoodReader and MobileMe (or webDAV into DropBox using DropDAV)

Save the finished invoice from Numbers online as a PDF. Go to GoodReader and download it. Open it and use freehand annotation to sign it. From there you can save it back to DropBox, and/or email it to your client.

Kind of clumsy, and you need internet access, but doable.
Another option is SignMyPad, which allows you to 'sign' a previously generated PDF document. However, it does more than that and allows you to enter text boxes and radio buttons to the PDF document that can be 'filled in' by the customer on site and signed. The resulting PDF document can be read by any PDF viewer and emailed or printed.

similar situation

Dear legacy of Troy..

I am a small business owner and have a similar situation to you with trying to capture a signature on invoices. Have you found any efficient solutions? I'd love to hear back.


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