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iOS 10. I don't seem to have it in focus . . .


iPF Noob
Apologies for coming back here again to ask what may well be September's Most Stupid Question.

The thing is, I have just upgraded my iPad Pro to the latest operating system version, iOS 10. Skeptical husband knows nothing about Apple, though a lot about Microsoft, and so he actually counseled me not to change from iOS 9 on the basis that if it ain't broke, why fix it.

Also: his experience of Microsoft Windows has been that each successive version of that OS is produced by people who, were they working for a car manufacturer, think it's clever to move the steering wheel from where it usually is, put the engine on the roof, and re-locate the driver's seat to the rear. If you complain about all this needless re-organisation, you are told you are a Luddite. Behind the times. That you must "learn" how to drive in the new way.

Well; I don't want any of that silliness, which is why I've bought my first Apple. But, but. . . I'm just wondering: has someone, somewhere, in the creation of iOS10 decided how good it would be to make some things that were once readily accessible. . . inaccessible?

I'd therefore love to know how to save images which come to me as email attachments. Not images in the actual body of the email. But as attachments.

It used to take all of a few seconds for pictures received as email attachments to be collected up by the iPad and winged off into my Pictures library. Now, now. . . no matter where I click on the screen of my new improved all singin' all dancin' iOS10 iPad Pro, I cannot find a way of saving an attached image, or group of attached images, in the manner I did before on my old-fashioned out-of-date boring iOS9 iPad Pro.

Is it me? (Probably.) Or has Apple started recruiting Microsoft coders? Is there some horrific connection between the 10 on the iPad and the 10 which Microsoft has tried to foist onto everyone's computers? My paranoia begins to seeth . . .

Help appreciated. . . as ever. Many thanks.
Apologies for coming back here again to ask what may well be September's Most Stupid Question..

Ah. So it was September's Most Stupid Question. I've just remembered, something in some of the stuff I read about iOS10 changes. The 'share' button has gone, but now you press on the picture for a couple of seconds and the options menu pops up.

I'll get my coat. Sorry for the intrusion. :oops:
Hi don't worry, l was in a similar situation as you. I use Dropbox and wanted to copy a photo to photos, no problem l thought, but there was no option for it. So l go to Dropbox help read through and some where it said if using iPad click here for help.
Nothing happened, figured out it wanted to open Safari so l reopened safari and started to read. Opened the photo again but still nothing worked, then as my main PC is Windows and l used to double clicking etc l Held the pen on the photo and was given the option l wanted.
It seems the help files are totally out of date, or not set for iOS

Gregory lsaacs r.i.p.
When I joined this forum, iOS 4.1.3 was the OS of the day. There have been many huge improvements in both hardware and software since then.

Every new version opens up new questions so don't be afraid to ask. We may know the answer, or be able to dig for it. Or you may be the first to realize that something changed.
Thanks BB, and Kevin!

Hubbie and I were discussing, only the other day, how. . . frustrating it is when something computer-related doesn't work out the way you're used to, and therefore seems not to be working at all.

Commonsense argues that the fault, like patience, is in the chair, not in the computer, but frustration ultimately overwhelms and commonsense goes out the window. (Unless, of course, it is Windows, in which case the cause is as like as not a patch to a patch to a patch that Microsoft messed up in the first place.)

Over the years I've read howls of pain on different forums relating to computer problems where the poster has been absolutely certain she / he has done nothing wrong and yet, and yet . . . time and again, for whatever reason, responsibility for what's happened, or not happened, has been the poster's. Sadly, what all too often happens then is that some Superior Being comes along to point out such fallibility in as sneering a fashion as possible -- thus discouraging the poster from ever asking any question again.

But not here. Thanks, then, for the support and understanding I find here. It *is* appreciated. Drinks all round! :)
When someone has a problem along the lines of "This used to work and now it doesn't." my first thought is "What changed?"

Sometimes it can be difficult to persuade a poster that there has been a change, but there always is, and often, it's simply a case of understanding the change in order to make the problem go away.

For instance, we recently had a thread about iTunes not seeing an iPad. What changed? iOS 10 changed and put iTunes out of date. Not so. iTunes is reporting that it is the latest version.

At that point, we could have had a situation that, as you point out, is sadly prevalent on some forums. Instead, we worked through the problem, discovered that an older version of iTunes is capable of reporting that it's up to date, uninstalled it and replaced it with the latest version, and it could see the iPad. As a bonus, all of us who we're involved learned something.

That new knowledge might not have been made available had we become frustrated with each other or the problem.
Must admit that since iOS 10. I am glad l am a member here never before have l been so keen to press the home and off keys to do a reset. It can't just be me or
can it?

Gregory Isaacs r.i.p.

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