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iOS 4.2 too large to download


iPF Noob
I have had my iPad for a couple of months and I am now ready to upgrade the iOS. Unfortunately my ISP, Starband satellite, only allows a max of 1Gig download for a 7 day period. If I download 4.2 through iTunes I will kill my internet access for a week. Anyone else have this problem? If I had the option of a different provider I would change in a minute, but I live in a rural area so I am stuck with Starband. Is it possible to get 4.2 on CD? Grasping for straws!

Two words "McDonald's wifi"!!!
My daughter goes to McDonalds when she can't down load something at the University.

In the US ONLY.
Mc has wifi almost all over Europe, too. Due to legal stuff and bandwidth pricing, there are different "entry"-models. I read that Swiss has the same thing as the US, Germany needs to have an account set up - but 1hr per day is free.
I tried by wifi and to update the OS it seems like it only can be done during a sync with your computer. Don't have a laptop to carry to McDonald's, and I don't think taking my desktop there is an option. Still stuck.
You may want to visit an apple retail store and ask for help. I realize that Apple stores are only located in select US markets.
Oh my goodness. I feel for you because with that plan I would go through the monthly data plan every day.

As much as I get cranky with Comcast, I may have to hug my cable modem.
I went to the local public library with my iPad and USB cable....someone had already downloaded the upgrade into iTunes so I plugged in and got it. I would think you could burn the new OS onto a disc and take it home and put it on your desktop.
I have hugesnet and just found that out...on our plan we are allowed 350 mbs a day ..I just went over..Thank goodness they give us 1 free token a month if we go over to have it reset to 0..Think I'm going to wait till our free time to do this (2am-7am)...Does anybody know exactly how big the update is ..I just got my iPad Wednesday and I am not the most technical person..I'm still learning ..shoot I had to go on the internet just to learn how to turn it on
georgiacanuck said:
I have hugesnet and just found that out...on our plan we are allowed 350 mbs a day ..I just went over..Thank goodness they give us 1 free token a month if we go over to have it reset to 0..Think I'm going to wait till our free time to do this (2am-7am)...Does anybody know exactly how big the update is ..I just got my iPad Wednesday and I am not the most technical person..I'm still learning ..shoot I had to go on the internet just to learn how to turn it on

The update is around 580MB.
Thank you...wow that's big ...after reading what people are saying about the update not sure I am going to do it just yet..I am glad I found this forum will probably use it a lot since I don't know too much about it yet...
georgiacanuck said:
Thank you...wow that's big ...after reading what people are saying about the update not sure I am going to do it just yet..I am glad I found this forum will probably use it a lot since I don't know too much about it yet...

Perhaps you have a caffe with free wifi nearby to download the update?

You can download the firmware from here:
This can even be done on the iPad, if you use an alternative browser, such as Atomic, or Terra. Than after downloading, transfer the file via iTunes on your desktop. Than when updating choose the already downloaded file.
Blackbelt said:
You may want to visit an apple retail store and ask for help. I realize that Apple stores are only located in select US markets.

aye, they normally have the update already downloaded and installed on the showroom machines, so I am sure they will allow you to hook it up and update

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