Since this particular 4.2 thread seems to have the most eyes/posts on it ( many 4.2 threads *are* there!???!!!)...I'd like to ask some questions here if ya'll don't mind.
First, let me say that my 4.2 upgrade experience wasn't the *most* pleasant experience it probably could have been, but all in all, it wasn't a catastrophe either. Like some others, I can report that the initial upgrade effort failed. But at least, after having upgraded iTunes to 10.1, I had deliberately performed a backup prior to pulling the trigger on the 4.2 OS upgrade! Still, when the
iTunes > USB cord displayed on my iPad and indicated on my PC within iTunes that the 4.2 OS upgrade failed, as a 'just in case', I opted to swap the cable I was currently attempting to transfer data through (an older ipod cable that has long been in a USB port on my PC) the 'new' USB cable that came with the iPad. I then proceeded to follow screen prompts and successfully restored my iPad back to the earlier backup. And again, I am pleased to report that my iPad then successfully upgraded to 4.2.
With that said, the answers to my questions most likely revolve around that very same Restore from backup that I had to perform...but I'll leave it for more experienced folks to confirm

. The iPad is new to me (purchased ~ 2 weeks ago now), and I am a willing student

. FWIW, I run iTunes from a PC on Windows 7.
Apps question: Pre-4.2 upgrade I had ~ 67 legitimate apps installed on my iPad. Post 4.2 upgrade, my iPad has re-applied (for lack of better words) my [few] previously purchased apps. However, when I look in my iTunes LIBRARY > Apps...I can still see the schload of FREE apps (as well as the [few] paid for apps) that I'd downloaded/installed to my iPad over the past 2 weeks of ownership. Again, the paid for apps seemed to synced over to my iPad...
but the ones that were free (such as Kindle, Nook, Kobo, Zinio, DirecTV, USA Today, etc) won't come back over to my iPad after syncing. I don't see how I'm suppose to get them back onto my iPad exactly

. Within iTunes, I see 'Check for Updates' and 'Get More Apps' in the bottom right corner when displaying the Apps Library...but connecting my iPad and having it re-sync to iTunes doesn't 'pull these apps back to my iPad' again. this simply (hardly simply...I'm talking ~ 65 free apps!) a matter of me having to re-download / re-install all these same 65 apps I had previously freely received from iTunes??? That will prove tedious if that is the case! But regardless, to that end, in the case of my Kindle, Kobo and Nook apps...what of the books/magazines I'd previously had with them? Although the books I'd previously purchased (free) via iBooks became available again once I re-downloaded the iBooks app from iTunes...will that prove true of my other book/reading-related apps post re-download / re-install?
...obviously, under the circumstances...I am not experiencing the post 4.2 OS upgrade joy of creating folders yet...since my many apps blew away like dust in the wind
Photos: Well, it probably makes sense...but would having performed a Restore to my 1:30-ish am backup have wiped my photos off my iPad as well? These photos had been on my iPad for ~ one solid week. Photos don't seem to be managed by iTunes (as I recall...and I only brought them in as an exercise one time...I had downloaded them into my iPad via my home network wifi. But that was again a week back, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on how I'd even done that

). So is it simply a matter that Restore does, indeed, wipe them...and I'll have to re-do that exercise again as well?
Thanks in advance for any tips/advice.
- Dave
PS. One owner noted in one or another 4.2 thread that they had experienced problems with Snag-It on their PC post 4.2 upgrade. Hmm, while their experience was that their Windows 7 PC had 'locked up'...mine did not. However, I did find it strange 4.2 upgrade...when I double-clicked my Snag-It icon from my PC began to
reinstall the Snag-It application on my PC. Weird... But once it went through that...all was fine with Snag-It (I did *not* experience any PC lock ups).
As to *why* I thought to touch Snag-It post-4.2 upgrade???...well, I needed to 'snag' a screen print of my friggin' iPad apps that iTunes is teasing me with by displaying within LIBRARY > Apps. I figured it best to snag a record of all the apps...that...I believe I'll have no recourse but to redownload/reinstall onto my iPad all over again
PPS. I can add as an update to this post that my Safari browser retained all my bookmarks. Also, I went ahead and re-downloaded/re-installed my Zinio, Kindle, Kobo and Nook apps...and I'm happy to report that any magazines & books previously purchased/downloaded are back in their respective 'libraries'