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iOS 5.1 - What have you found in iOS 5 that could be better?


iPF Noob
OK, we did this in this forum before iOS 5 was released, now that it has been, and we've had a chance to play around awhile, what could be made better?

Please don't use this thread for venting on what you don't like about iOS 5, unless of course you have a suggestion for improving it. Think of this as a place to generate ideas to share with the iPad OS Development team in the hopes they listen and then act on them. Thanks!

Here's something I found in using iCal;
1. In generating an appointment in iCal for say going to the Apple Store on Saturday to meet with a Genius member to help with iOS 5 install on an iPod. I set the appointment time and date and noticed there was a place for "Location". So, I go online and find the address of the store and type it in the field. Wouldn't it be cool if there was an option to A. pull locations from the Contacts app for those locations I had stored there already or B. Push the typed location to the Contacts App for future reference? After all, who doesn't need the address to their nearest Apple Retail Store once in awhile?
2. Then, what if, at the time of the Alarm going off at the time you were to leave the house, the location was something "clickable" that would then open Maps and highlight the location, or even better, the route from your GPS location to that location? That would be slick IMO. And finally,
3. What if, when making that appointment, there was an option to Set A Reminder For This Appointment? This is not an Alarm, but a Reminder. Thinking back to that Genius appointment on Saturday, my plan is to Friday night to install iOS 5 on my iPod. I only need the appointment if it fails to load (as it always has for me), but if it doesn't fail, I can cancel Saturday's appointment Friday night from their website. If this was an option carried out by a check in the box, once you saved the appointment, it would then open Reminders, set it for 24 hours in advance or something, but make it so it can be modified, and you then fill in the rest of the fields. Or, you don't check the box and iCal just goes back to its main screen when finished.

Anyone else see and value here?
The Music player on the iPad. Podcasts/Audiobooks has been completely stuffed up - I wish Apple had never changed it, it was much better before iOS5.

Sent from Wales, using my iPad & iPF.
Revert to the former iPod functions and features entirely. The new Music setup is a joke, because the designers broke or deleted existing features.

Safari's tab layout is badly laid out. The developers should copy Atomic's tabs, which have thin spacing between tabs and color to clearly show the active tab. The Safari tab layout also has too little spacing on top, so when you try to tab to zip to the top of a page, you often end up activating the keyboard instead.

Newsstand is useless to some users, bothersome to others. Deleting or hiding Newsstand should be an option.
I haven't upgraded yet & just went to Best Buy to look at an upgraded ipad. Two things I noticed right away were the tabs on safari & the split keyboard which looked tiny to me. I am hoping that apple will come out with something where we can make choices on whether we want the tabs or tiny keyboard. I'm not upgrading. I like my ipad the way it is.
fuzzyfelts said:
The Music player on the iPad. Podcasts/Audiobooks has been completely stuffed up - I wish Apple had never changed it, it was much better before iOS5.

Sent from Wales, using my iPad & iPF.

I agree, I think the new music player was designed by Microsoft. It needs to be fixed fast. I use to use my iPad for audiobooks and podcast, but not anymore.
Folders like the Cydia tweak FolderEnhancer, where instead of when opening a folder you get just that, a folder with a very limited number of apps, you're instead greeted with an entirely new page, fully capable of scrolling left and right for more apps, and your wallpaper still intact.
Ansel67 said:
Definitely need to add multitasking to the drop down considering my home button no longer works.

If this is the case, go into settings, general, accessibility, and turn on AssistiveTouch near the bottom of the screen, gives you a SILENT home button and other scenarios.

Sent from Wales, using my iPad & iPF.
Since installing 5, my auto email push functions are very temperamental and sluggish.

Also, for wireless syncing, better communication between iPad and computer is needed - currently 1 or the other must be booted up separately for the both to see each other. You can't just bring together the 2 that are already switched on.

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