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iOS 5 Newsstand GLITCH, Hide In Folder NO JAILBREAK NEEDED!

No, you cannot move news into Newsstand yourself. The app that delivers your subscription needs to be modified to support Newsstand.
Just as an aside, anyone who thinks I post in this forum for financial gain is deluding themselves. I've never once mentioned the name of my company or any of my apps, and I never will.

I'm here to share what knowledge and experience I can, without violating my NDA agreements, in an effort to help the community for a family of devices that I believe is changing the way we use electronics forever.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

You are always welcome to ignore my posts, but don't accuse me of being here for financial gain.

I didn't suggest you "post in this forum for financial gain." I doubt it would be a very lucrative strategy. However, you indicated in other posts that your firm is engaged in modifying third party apps to support the Newsstand feature in iOS 5. I assume you don't perform that work pro bono. And it stands to reason that you have a vested interest in the widespread use of the feature. Full disclosure isn't a practice designed simply to expose wrong doing. It is a standard practice that enables readers to evaluate the source of information.
Yes, we have several customers who publish subscription content in the App Store. They have all contacted us to enhance the original App we developed for them to support Newsstand, after they were contacted by Apple with regards to this new iOS 5 feature. Apple has given them deadlines to comply with the new requirement for subscriptions to support Newsstand.

It does not in any way change the fact that putting Newsstand into a folder is only done through the exploitation of a bug, and the practice creates a directory structure that is not supported by iOS.

My recommendation to not do this under risk of unexpected consequences would be the same whether or not we had any Apps that support Newsstand.

If you have subscriptions that use Newsstand, you cannot hide it anyway...
If you have subscriptions that use Newsstand, you cannot hide it anyway...

I have subscriptions and was able to hide my Newsstand in a folder along with other native apps I don't use. I named the folder Apple crap. Later, I ended up killing the subscription apps, because I prefer to read the publications via website, and I wanted to minimize possible problems with app updates.
Certainly if you don't USE your subscriptions, you can do anything you want. You cannot have subscriptions that you USE and hide Newsstand in a folder.
I use my subscriptions; I just don't use the apps, lol. I did try th NYT app after I moved Newsstand into my Apple crap folder, and it worked fine, but I didn't see how it helped me to have to open Newsstand and then open an app. It just added an unnecessary step.
Is there some reason you need to argue just to read your words? You CLEARLY are not using your subscriptions on your iPad with your Newsstand app hidden...

Everyone reading this thread understand that in context
Is there some reason you need to argue just to read your words? You CLEARLY are not using your subscriptions on your iPad with your Newsstand app hidden...

Everyone reading this thread understand that in context

I use my subscriptions every day on iPad via Safari. Otherwise, I couldn't access my content.

And as I said, my NYT app worked fine even with my Newsstand stowed in a folder. I just chose to delete it, because I didn't find it useful to have to go through Newsstand to get to my content apps. My experience runs counter to what you said, which is why I posted on the thread. You appear to think that your being involved with Apple discounts other users' experience.
The thread is talking about subscription apps and Newsstand, not running Safari to read your subscriptions off the website.

You are being argumentative just for the sake of picking a fight, as usual.
Reading your last comment again, if you are saying you could open your NYT subscription while Newsstand was hidden inside another folder, I do not believe you. This would crash the springboard, as it's not capable of referencing nested folders. The data structures don't support it, and it would crash as a result.
That's funny. I mentioned reading via website in passing, and you're the one who chose to venture off in that direction, so I replied. I mentioned reading via Safari because other users might want to do likewise, if they dislike Newsstand. But apparently you get to decide for other forum posters what we can and can't post. Wow, you must work with Apple; you and they know what's best! Lol.
Reading your last comment again, if you are saying you could open your NYT subscription while Newsstand was hidden inside another folder, I do not believe you. This would crash the springboard, as it's not capable of referencing nested folders. The data structures don't support it, and it would crash as a result.

It doesn't matter to me what you believe. I don't value your opinion.
Guys. You two need to go the other direction when you see each other coming. Can we try that, please? You both are so knowledgeable , smart, and offer so much to IPF.

But you clash.

Let's start trying okay? Just a friendly warning. :)

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