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iOS 6 Cant connect to network

I have read through all the replies and am experiencing the same issues. Not able to connect and running very,very slowly. I am proabably old enough to be your mother an am struggling with technology. Could someone please explain what I need to do to achieve better connectivity and speed? All our other IPADs and Macs work fine. Just this one that I "upgraded" doesn't work. Is there a way to remove the upgrade?

Thank you
Strange as it seems, it can still be the router. Restart your router and see if it helps. Routers can get confused about individual devices.

While the router is restarting, go ahead and go to Settings > General > Reset and Reset Network Settings.

This will ensure that the router and iPad get off to a clean start.

It's not a bad idea to check with your router's manufacturer's site and see if there are any firmware updates for it. This can affect newer products as well.

Good luck.
twerppoet said:
Strange as it seems, it can still be the router. Restart your router and see if it helps. Routers can get confused about individual devices.

While the router is restarting, go ahead and go to Settings > General > Reset and Reset Network Settings.

This will ensure that the router and iPad get off to a clean start.

It's not a bad idea to check with your router's manufacturer's site and see if there are any firmware updates for it. This can affect newer products as well.

Good luck.

Ditto on the reset network thingie. I had to do that for our wireless connection at work. All set now.

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