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iOS 7.0.4 is out now

Have you done a reset since the update?

Hold down the power and home button until the Apple logo appears. This can take a while, or it often seems so.
Funny, I always update over WiFi and it has never failed. Ime, updating over a wire is more problematic because lots of time the computer doesn't see the iPad. Flaky usb.
Hi AQ.
Flakey USB is bad news, time to service your PC. A PC with dud USB is useless.
I was going to backup iPad with wifi to iCloud, got started, then realized I could not be bothered with waiting two days. So back to backup to PC.
Alas wires are always better than wireless, the little data gremlins struggle to escape the insulation whereas the waves of wifi are buzzing around in everyone's head exciting brains in an abnormal way! Bumping off walls and heterodyning (spelling) with all other waves.
In the end horses for courses stick with the waves.
Hi AQ.
Flakey USB is bad news, time to service your PC. A PC with dud USB is useless.
I was going to backup iPad with wifi to iCloud, got started, then realized I could not be bothered with waiting two days. So back to backup to PC.
Alas wires are always better than wireless, the little data gremlins struggle to escape the insulation whereas the waves of wifi are buzzing around in everyone's head exciting brains in an abnormal way! Bumping off walls and heterodyning (spelling) with all other waves.
In the end horses for courses stick with the waves.

I would beg to differ with you on that. Dud usb ports have always been on PCs...that makes them a pain, but far from useless. There are plenty of things one can do with a PC that don't require a working USB port (and the ports are iffy, not just dead). Also, wireless is working quite well these days. People are transferring many gigabytes of data via wireless. The protocols have be tweaked to perfection. Backups may be slower, but that doesn't mean they don't work. I have done every update for iOS for via wireless for what seems like ages. Same on my Android devices. These devices live on wireless -- I see no reason to not update them that way. I rarely need to use iTunes on a wire on a PC anymore...and thank heavens, for I'm tried of plugging things in all the time.
I would beg to differ with you on that. Dud usb ports have always been on PCs...that makes them a pain, but far from useless. There are plenty of things one can do with a PC that don't require a working USB port (and the ports are iffy, not just dead). Also, wireless is working quite well these days. People are transferring many gigabytes of data via wireless. The protocols have be tweaked to perfection. Backups may be slower, but that doesn't mean they don't work. I have done every update for iOS for via wireless for what seems like ages. Same on my Android devices. These devices live on wireless -- I see no reason to not update them that way. I rarely need to use iTunes on a wire on a PC anymore...and thank heavens, for I'm tried of plugging things in all the time.
Hi AQ.
Stay cool, relax, no need to get all tetchy!
Ok just got the message for 7.4 iam still on 6.3 should I upgrade

I upgraded all three of my devices and do not regret it. There are some bugs and lots of folks are complaining of crashes in safari. Supposedly, iOS 7.1 will be released soon. You might want to just wait on that but keep in mind that while it may fix some bugs it might add some new ones. Also, iOS 7 looks a lot different than iOS 6. It took me a while to get used to that.
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I am getting delays opening mail pages,sometimes up to 10 seconds,and the iPad seems to be frozen for that period of time,also happens with Safari sporadicall,and.this started to happen after latest update.
Any comments on this?

iOS 7.0.4
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