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iOS 7 - first impressions

I just read the one post about (why i stoped coming hear) hears a thought.......maybe you should start a site of your own,
Am I correct in assuming that this will NOT work on the "original" iPad? Probably not, since that is the one I have.
Updated a couple hours ago on my iPad 4. Download was fast but I was stuck for a while on validating the update, probably due to Apple servers getting hammered.

I'm loving it so far, with two exceptions:
1. I'm not thrilled with the dock background. I think I would have been happier with a transparent bg or solid black, but it just doesn't fit well with many wallpapers.

2. Safari doesn't show the full URL, you have to tap it to see the complete line.

But, I can overlook those two things.. I really like this update.
Am I correct in assuming that this will NOT work on the "original" iPad? Probably not, since that is the one I have.

Sorry, but you are correct. The "original" iPad (the very first generation) only goes to iOS 5.1.1. It cannot run any higher iOS version.

No problems with battery drain on iPad mini. However, they was a significant drain on my iPhone 4S because I chose to use the Background App Refresh. Once I turned that off, everything was back to normal.

The parallax wallpapers are not a drain at all. The movement is very subtle and nothing to worry about IMO.
Yes, iOS 7 can be installed on the iPad2.

And - a reminder, please. This thread was created because the original poster wanted to get member's initial impressions of the iOS by those who have installed it. So, please, let's all stay on topic and talk about impressions only in this thread. Thank you.

I don't like the new "flat" icon and dock. Unless Apple changes it back (probably not), I'll stick with 6 for now.
i like. the new abilities that are added.
What i dont like is how the dock looks, the battery drain ( disabled unused features, now i will seee how it will behave ) and that it sloows my ipad 3 down :/
It is really really slower when opening and closing apps
I haven't noticed any real issues yet. I watch movies and read on mine alot and haven't noticed anything yet. But I still need to give it time to really run it thru its paces.
First impressions
Overall I quite like it.
But, as usual with every major version update of IOS, the keyboard gets less responsive. (had that happen from 4 to 5, 5 to 6 and now 6 to 7. I'm starting to think it's by design to make you buy a new device)
I don't like the 'folder' view with the 9 icon grid. It works fine on an iphone as that grid fills the whole width of the screen width a usable icon size, but on an ipad it feels ridiculous to have to swipe to a new page to get to 1 extra icon.
It looks like the background for folders and the permanent icon 'bar' on the bottom is taken as an average from the background image. It can lead to some vile colours though...
woe is me!

as yet i've to update to iOS 7 and iTunes 7, tried last night but no new update available which is typical of UK users treatment.

reading others threads 3 hours at best to carry this operation out, it's going to be a sleepless overnight job mixed with impatience, anticipation and the darkest fears of shredding my beloved iOS devices, starting with my own iPad 3, and then i have my iPhone 4s and the wife's iP4 and iPad 2, which if her devices go's South it will be all MY fault of coarse, and i get my half of the divorce settlement immediately - the outside if the hose! :(.

i wonder if Apple realise the impact on and even have the powers to destroy married bliss that they have?

woe is me!
Updated the iPad and wishing I hadn't this looks cheap and terrible. Almost like the stuff from the 70/80's Amiga.
Wake up Apple and redesign this, staying on iOs6 for the phone
Updated the iPad and wishing I hadn't this looks cheap and terrible. Almost like the stuff from the 70/80's Amiga.
Wake up Apple and redesign this, staying on iOs6 for the phone

If you took a backup via iTunes you could restore and then get your old look back. Apple will hardly do a redesign.

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