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iOS 7 for iPad could be delayed


News Team

As the September iPhone event draws near, 9to5mac has heard from its sources some fresh info regarding the launch of the iOS 7. The good news is that apparently, the release scheduled is maintained for the iPhone version of the operating system. When it comes to the iPad, however, the story is a different one.

According to the information, Apple might push back the release of iOS 7 for iPad by a whole month. Apparently developers are still stumbling upon some stability issues and are having a hard time fixing them. The iOS 7 has first seen the light of day at the WWDC 2013 back in June and has been subsequently be​​en released to developers in multiple beta versions. The latest one was iOS 7 beta 6.

If iOS 7 for iPad and iPad mini would indeed get delayed, this would constitute a onetime occurrence. So far Apple has managed to synchronize the launch of its next generation operating systems with all its mobile devices. But this time Apple began working on the iPhone iOS 7 before it started to do the same for its iPad counterpart. Hence the delay shouldn’t be taken with such a shock.

But there’s another side to the story. The iOS 7 is expected to be a true makeover of the Apple operating system, so the general public will have to get accustomed to it. Therefore from this point of view, it makes sense to release the iPhone iOS 7 at one time and let people get the hang of it and then come out with the iPad iOS 7 version.

Source: 9to5Mac
What ever will be will be ...... No problems waiting.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
That really sucks.........

So, I was expecting it to be released on my the month of my birthday. That would really cheer me up more. But now its on october. I can wait for another month.
Victor it is a rumour and nothing else but a rumour. Every year when Apple is about to release a new product in come the rumours. The press love it editors love it as the world reads their magazines and blogs however at the end of the day they are all rumours. Not even Apple store or reseller staff know what is coming and when. So what should you do.... Well go watch the moon go down Grab a Fosters or your favourite beverage and relax...life is to short to stress out over a delivery date that really is unknown.
Victor it is a rumour and nothing else but a rumour. Every year when Apple is about to release a new product in come the rumours. The press love it editors love it as the world reads their magazines and blogs however at the end of the day they are all rumours. Not even Apple store or reseller staff know what is coming and when. So what should you do.... Well go watch the moon go down an grab a Fosters or your favourite beverage and relax...life is to short to stress out over a delivery date that really is unknown.

I'm not getting stressed. I just find the news (Rumor) surprising.

Also what you said at the last that sounds awesome. I do love watching sunset sunrise, the moon going down and other awesome sights.

Also back to the topic. What you said about it being rumors, or something they just made up. You are a genius! Maybe I could use this as a warning to avoid getting wrong info.
It's cool spelling in Australia is Rumours. USA is Rumors. This is not about me ok however I started with Apple in 1977. Every year since then we have gone thought the excitement of new products that they delivered... The one that caught most people off guard was the iPhone as no one and I mean no one thought Apple would take on the phone market. When this forum began in Jan 2010 it was amazing the threads that were started about rumours (rumors USA) Yes it s amazing what people dream up some are spot on some are out to lunch. To me it is fun... Reading watching and waiting.... smile..... You are a cool dude....

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