I would like to see Apple develop a set of APIs for third-party developers to get closer to the hardwre. For example, I want to see wifi signal strength...cellular signal strength...stuff like that. I want to see better internal pipes to let apps send files to other apps.
I would like to see something new in terms of icons...maybe a "live icon" or a super icon. These might take the same space as 2, 3, 4 icons and then have info piped to them, like a widget...of course, Apple would never call them widgets, so I'm not going to ask for that.
I expect apple to improve siri and maps, so I'm not going to ask for that. Ske-whatever is no biggie to me, though I would like the ability to re-skin built in apps....I would not mind the ability to change certain UI features...like how the JailBreakers can put their names up top....I get tired of seeing Verizon on my home screen....what's up with that, Apple? I want to use that space to have my name pop up. And give me the choice of three or four well-designed, Apple-approved system fonts.
And I would like options for other keyboards...even if they are all apple-supplied keyboards....it is possible to increase choice without opening up things to every tom, dick and jane.
Of course, I don't want iOS to become Android...and I don't expect apple to want to do that. These features must come without an increase in complexity in the interface...I'm convinced that complexity in gadgets is a productivity killer for most users (whether users want to admit it or not). Let Android, Samsung, MS, and the others have the complexity thing. Keep iOS simple so users can focus on other things.
Oh...and every apple device should be able to wifi bridge to another apple device. My phone and tablet should be able to ad-hoc network with the press of a button...and I should be able to move files between without things going up to the cloud some place.