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iOS 8 Malfunctioning on my iPad Mini

It is possible, for a short time after a new update was released. I don't know If it's still possible, though. Last year, the possibility existed for three or four days.

It's not supported by Apple, or covered under warranty, so if you want to downgrade, it's at your own risk.
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If anybody's still following or at all interested, here's what I did this afternoon. I charged up the iPad battery, dumped most of my apps to make the storage space required for "surgery", and brought it downstairs to the PC. I opened iTunes and updated the software. I plugged in my Pad and backed up to iTunes, then for extra safety, I synced. Then I scrubbed it; I did a complete factory reset. After that, it reloaded iOS 8 (7 not an option, or I would have grabbed it), and Infollowed through by reloading my backed up data. So, here I sit, running through some basic tests, running apps I know have gone funky since the update ....particularly browsers....specifically Safari (Apple's, right). In about 15 minutes, guess what I found.....NO F'ING IMPROVEMENT AT ALL. It's the same busted piece of junk it was this morning. Now, all but worthless garbage .....from Apple ......APPLE! Oh, what a faithful follower I was (note past tense). There's no way I can work on it, I can't afford to get an iPad Air...oh, wait....that would run on iOS 8, right? I guess I don't want another Apple after all. I'll have to break out the kids' $100 ACER A100 7" tablet to do my daily business because it'll perform better than my Apple brand iPad will. So very, very sad. If anyone finds some sort of workaround, PLEASE let me in on it. KFH.
Do the restore again, only this time do not use the backup.

This will give you a baseline of how the iPad will work with iOS 8. It is not unheard of for a backup to restore a problem along with your software.
One must think before you jump. I have always said just because a train is in the station for you does not mean you should hop on Wait for next train........
If you are jail broken maybe go to Apple Store and look at ios running. Make decisions wisely .... Millions of users and new iPhone users are downloading ios8 many of us like myself are early adopters we understand the risks but always follow what we think is the best way to upgrade. With iOS 8 any one with 16gb and lots of stuff would be wise to upgrade via i
I am inclined to think you have a dirty app which is why twerppoe is recommending not to restore from backup When you install using iTunes on a computer it only needs 1gb. Not 5 that over the air requires
I am inclined to think you have a dirty app which is why twerppoe is recommending not to restore from backup When you install using iTunes on a computer it only needs 1gb. Not 5 that over the air requires

It can also be a problem with settings that don't get copied over correctly. These can cause background problems. A Reset All Settings can sometimes fixe this, but since it does not reset every settings, especially important account settings, it often does not work.
As I understand things, if I don't do a backup, all my personally generated information, like notes, bookmarks, documents, drawings, contacts, pictures, etc, etc, go down the toilet. Am I wrong? Also; I didn't now about that little 1g vs 5G rule. So, previous to doing anything on the computer, I deleted nearly all my apps before the backup. I'm so angry about this. I feel like I'm being robbed or something. The device is just so screwed up now. I also have screens freezing up so tightly I have to restart. Letters typing out wrong, pages getting stuck half way through a swipe. It just keeps getting worse. How to I make complaints directly to Apple? I tried to get some support, but have trouble getting anywhere. Since it's over a year old, I keep getting the brush off, online. I can't even get a chance to explain that it their operating system that's the problem, and not my device or hardware.
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I guess what we are saying is back up your iPad when yu connect do a restore but donot restore from back up. Please try the iPad in vanilla state as new iPad. Then let us know the result. This is to make it easier for us to assist you. Apple would do exactly the same if you took it to them

We are trying mate trust me we have done this many times before. I have users whom have upgraded without issues and because of this we are trying to walk through each step.
If you have any kind of reasonable access to your iPad, you should copy the important files off of it first. If it's completely unusable, then those files are already gone for all practical purposes; unless you have them stored elsewhere.

So, try the restore, and find out if your iPad works. If it does, you know the problem is recovering your data without restoring. You can always try the restoring the backup again after the test; and be no worse off than you are now; with the iPad not working properly, but having the data.

Stuff stored in iCloud or other online services won't be affected. You'll just have to load the apps again, manually. For things stored locally, you 'may' be able to extract them from the backup file in iTunes, provided it is not encrypted. There are several tools available for both PC's and Macs. So do that backup if you haven't already.
I found a procedure that allegedly allows us to revert to 7.1.2, via iTunes. My device is so bad, I really have no choice but to try it. I will report back in a couple hours, whether successful or not. If all goes well, I'll then post a link to the directions. It is suggested that the downgrade is "not recommended", but, at this point, I've no choice. See ya.
Alrighty....I "successfully" reverted my iPad Mini to iOS 7.1.2 ! There's one caveat; I as yet haven't been able to figure out how to download my backed-up information. When I tried from iTunes on a PC, it informed me that the data was not compatible because the operating system I was now running is too old. I pretty much expected that. But iCloud stores a couple of the most recent backups. One I knew occurred automatically, just a couple hours after I upgraded to iOS 8 (and before I realized what a mistake it was). But the other was saved the day before. Sounds like it would be compatible, right? It was stored as v. 7.1.2. But, without explanation, the cloud refuses to download it. I'm going to mess around with things for a while, and see if I can't get my data back. But, for right now, I'm just happy to get the device running at all. I haven't had a chance yet to run through any real performance tests, but the ease with which I'm writing this note indicates that it's back to its old self. When they get around to fixing v. 8, (8.0.1?, 8.5.0?, 8.12.0?), my data should be retrievable then. Most of it isn't time sensitive; so I can wait for that, now that the machine is functioning. If anyone is wanting to revert, here is the link with the instructions.
If I figure out how to get my backup information reloaded, I'll write back with the procedure.
Well, I won't be able to say if there is a way to retrieve the backup data that was stored the day before the v. 8 update......I f'ing deleted it by accident; even though there was a redundant delete process so dummies like me can't do that. But, I managed to. Anyway, thus far my iPad is right back up to speed. In the hour or so since reverting, I haven't experienced a single glitch such as those I had been complaining about. Also another thought if anybody tries this: make sure auto-backup is shut off, so as not to corrupt the data saved prior to the reversion procedure. Good luck and thanks to those who contributed.
You are welcome I personally believe if you had loaded iOS 8 as new it would have been fine. Glad we could at least assist you. Time for a fosters.

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