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IOS 9 Safari Google Searches

Dang you're smart twerppoet!!! Thanks for figuring this out wish Google had a setting so it didn't default to this but at least I know how to change it now.
Thank you so much mike2874 and twerppoet for the further discussion. Twerppoet that sounds like the solution! -- I too had noticed this "very clean, mobile looking sort of layout" but didn't put it into words or realize the significance. Unfortunately in the meantime I tried to do the latest update on my ipad and ran into a wall with an error that got me locked out of my ipad -- am scheduled to talk to Apple support tomorrow. As soon as I have a chance, I will try out what you described about getting back the desktop version. I also in the meantime (before I lost access to my ipad) discovered that the ipad, under "Access" settings has some interesting zoom features that I didn't know about before. Something called "Zoom region" -- a "window" to provide magnification, which can be accessed and put away again by using a three-finger tap. One can easily adjust the degree of magnification and the size of window, and It works all across the iPad. I found it was possible to size the window just right, with just a little magnification, so that it could fit over the google results page and make it readable without being too clumsy. A good backup to have. Anyway, I appreciate your help -- thank you guys again!
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I don't know what you're doing, or not doing on the iPad Air but here's what you get when you search on the mobile site with my iPad Air, and then after you change to the desktop site.

My guess is that the iPad one can't handle the new mobile sites, so gets the default desktop site all the time.



In portrait mode the text is larger, but it cannot be resized. The desktop site can be resized.

(The mobile site in landscape view has text about the same size as the portrait view, mostly because it wastes a lot of screen space in order to keep the same layout.)


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