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IOS App Store absolutely awful

I'm not talking about the quality of the apps; they are great. But the App Store and especially iBooks store are painfully slow, and navigating through it is like being tortured. Also, search is awful, for the amount of apps available for iOS , you would think that search would be great, but the algorithms are obviously in serious need of a reworking. The store hangs on search screen and takes forever to load a page of apps. Moreover, it is not organized at all. Also, as far as I know there isn't a category section in iBooks, leaving finding children's books for my daughter a chore. I love my iPad and would take it over an android tablet anyway (perhaps save for Nexus 7). But I got to hand it to google, the play store is amazing; navigating through it is easy, it is fast and searching for an app actually gives me related results. Ios is known for being easy to use, is it that hard to make a decent App Store?
I'm not talking about the quality of the apps; they are great. But the App Store and especially iBooks store are painfully slow, and navigating through it is like being tortured. Also, search is awful, for the amount of apps available for iOS , you would think that search would be great, but the algorithms are obviously in serious need of a reworking. The store hangs on search screen and takes forever to load a page of apps. Moreover, it is not organized at all. Also, as far as I know there isn't a category section in iBooks, leaving finding children's books for my daughter a chore. I love my iPad and would take it over an android tablet anyway (perhaps save for Nexus 7). But I got to hand it to google, the play store is amazing; navigating through it is easy, it is fast and searching for an app actually gives me related results. Ios is known for being easy to use, is it that hard to make a decent App Store?

There is a section in iBooks Store:


Tap "More" and scroll down. There you are!
IMO, you mixed up the Play store and the App Store. Google's sorry excuse for an App Store is a joke. Apple's App Store is seamless and flawless. Yes it can be confusing to navigate at first, but once you get used to it ( and have a fast connection. Can't blame apple if you don't.) it's great.
Going from any one system to a competing system is going to require un-learning and re-learning. If you're not willing to do that, then you're always going to have issues.
Ok have finer optic Internet so connection speed isn't an issue. And how is googles App Store an pathetic excuse for an App Store? It has all the apps that Apple does, if anything I would argue it has more that Apple does (selection of keyboards, themes, live wallpapers, widgets and the list goes on). The difference is google play is organized and easy to navigate, Apples App Store is not. I did not experience this steep learning curve when I first used the play store; it's just a very well designed store. Ios is seamless everywhere else , all I'm saying is the App Store could use some work. Although finding ipad specific apps is convenient and easy..
I know both stores, App and Play store, from my devices (SGS3, iPad 3). Both are easy to navigate, when you're used to them, IMO. You just need time to find out how App Store/iBooks Store works, that's all.
I have also used both Google and Apple App stores and felt that both required a little getting used to. In both instances each had it's pros and cons, but I certainly wouldn't put one down for the other. Personally, for me-it was more of me just getting used to both app stores in the learning where things were at.

Enjoy your stay here, TristandCarroll! :)
Isn't it normal?

The Play store is a pathetic excuse. too damn slow. i got used to the app store the first time I used it. Or you can just search at the internet for the app you want. Even faster. then it will open the app store and show the app you want. This is my best solution so far for very fast way to find the apps I want.....
Well I to use both... BUT I'm with Tristen on this one ...
The Apple store is just a royal pain to use when compared to the old Google Market or new Google play store BUT even so neither is all that difficult ...The Apple store one just requires a little more work...I'll get over it in time..

Bob G

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