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iOS Developers & End Users


iPF Novice
Don't you think Apple should have done the following?
After developers have done their stuff with a new iOS, Apple should push it out to the public immediately so that end users like us have the chance to test it to its full extent before releasing the final build, not to say the final build will be perfect. I mean look, now with iOS 6 released there are so many users finding faults and bugs with it.

Now Apple has to go back to their drawing board to fix these issues and release another update soon of which the process will be the same of giving the new build to developers to test. To me I don't think these developers pick up the issues like the end user does. I hope Apple can stop beating around the bush and do this in future. Just my thoughts.
The problem is the GM build has only been available for about a week. Releasing betas to the public is a very bad idea.

Th beauty of iOS is you can now get incremental over the air upgrades very easily and quickly to correct any issues in the release, so it's not painful to fix small things after the release has shipped.

I think Apple has made some very reasonable decisions with regards to release management.

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