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iOS keyboard shortcuts

What sort of control characters can be included in a keyboard shortcut and how do you access them? Do they include the old teletype LF (Line Feed) and CR (Carriage Return)? If so you could build far more complex keyboard shortcuts. Better still would be a Return that didn't end the text input into the text field of the shortcut editor. By the way, thanks for the series of insightful suggestions. I've been using the letter 'q' as the first character of my shortcuts since it rarely occurs without a following 'u'. I think the comma is a little better solution since it isn't a "pinkie finger stretch". For me, a hunt and peck typist, 'q' is an easy peck. Best regards, Duncan
Message for The OB

I don't seem to be able to find this forum on Tapatalk, any pointers on how to find it?

Sent from my iPad using iPF

Just search iPad and look through the available searches. It's there. I had the same issue

Edit: missed that last answer but that is what I did as typing ipadforum didn't work for me
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These are useful tips. Though I have made a shortcut for my email address and it caps my name even though I did not enter caps in the shortcut. I don't think it matters as emails are not case sensitive but I am just curious. Thanks
If you are at the beginning of a sentence, your email address will get capitalized (as does any first word of a sentence). That's a function of the auto-correct feature. You could always turn that off but you are correct - capitalization does not matter in email addresses.

If you are at the beginning of a sentence, your email address will get capitalized (as does any first word of a sentence). That's a function of the auto-correct feature. You could always turn that off but you are correct - capitalization does not matter in email addresses.


I'll just leave it as it only caps my emails that use my name. Doesn't caps my other emails. I like the auto correct so I won't touch that
I use an iPhone as well as the iPad and the keyboard shortcuts on the iPad are automatically updated to the iPhone. As I tend to start my shortcuts with a "comma", a great suggestion earlier in this debate by twerppoet, there is a minor problem on the iPhone.

When putting a shortcut for an email address on the iPhone the popup keyboard doesn't have the comma shown (as far as I can see) so I have had to alter the shortcut for email addresses to have a "full stop" in front, not a problem on my iPad as I use a bluetooth keyboard.

This may or may not be helpful info for someone!

Sent from my iPad using iPF

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